
Friday, June 30, 2017

Colorful Spray Paint Sun Hats!

Here's a five minute craft for summer!  Something fun and creative from the brain of my husband.  A psychedelic painted sun hat!

The story: for 4 years, he has been wearing the same mesh sun hat for working outside.  Even though it went through the washing machine regularly, it was stained and unsightly and, well, take a look at what I mean...

Ew, right?

A few days ago I spotted him heading for the back yard, clutching three cans of spray paint and the hat.  I grabbed my camera and followed.

Hijinks ensued.

Isn't it awesome?  His colors: teal, purple and bright chartreuse.

I loved it so much, I made one for me.  They only take a minute, you guys!  I started with this dollar store straw hat:

I went with a slightly different color scheme - I kept the teal and chartreuse, but added touches of bronze and antique silver.

The paint dried in 10 minutes and the hats were ready to wear.

They look super cute hanging in your house, too.


*Start with just a light spray, don't blast on heavy coverage.  (That way the hat will still breathe.)  If you want deeper color, add one or two more very light coats.  

*Don't paint the underside - you don't want to wear spray paint against you hair or skin.

*These won't go in the washing machine, but cloth hats can still be spot cleaned on the inside.  (Maybe even hand washed in the sink; I have had good luck with hand-washing spray-painted fabrics.) 

Okie dokie, I hope you liked Jeff's quickie idea.  Try it, have fun!  Give a sad old hat a whole new attitude.


  1. Nice way to revive that old hat and a good way to make a new plain one spectacular. Thanks for sharing.

  2. love it Mich, and so fun to see your husband in creative mode! thanks for sharing on craft schooling sunday!

    1. Thank you, my friend! He has his moments! (Usually they involve power tools, this was the rare project I could follow along with.)

  3. Both hats look cool, but I like yours better maybe because of the straw structure. You know, you should link this post up to the "Hat Attack" linky on the Style crone blog this July. It is a monthly linkup and should be up in a few days

  4. What fun, that poor old stained hat has a new lease of life. Perfect for summer with maybe a tie dye t shirt!

    1. Thanks so much for the sweet comment, Julie! I agree, they have a very tie-dyed look to them - in fact I almost named the post Tie Dye sun hats.

  5. Super cute idea! I love both psychedelic hat! Fun Summer colours!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

    1. Thank you, Ana! I'm happy you liked the crazy hats, I am having fun wearing them and receiving smiles!

  6. Well Done Mich. This is one clever idea & now this hat will long last & always look pretty. Your husband is super creative just like you :) Perfect creative couple!! Now you both will wear this together & people around you will be envious to see matching hats. haha! Enjoy

  7. This is such a creative idea! What a wonderful way to bring new identity to an old (or new) hat; brilliant! Thank you for sharing your inspirational style with Hat Attack!

  8. Great idea, Michelle! I love it!!! Kisses, my friend.
