
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Mystery Thing Revealed: Antiqued Silver Shield

Hi, all! Last week I posted a Guess The Mystery thing challenge. I wondered how many of you could identify the weird little found object in these upcycled necklaces:

The Mystery Thing is that silvery, oval shield-like item. Does it look a teeny bit familiar...or not? Take a sec to think about, fix your guess in your mind.

Okay, then - time to reveal The Thing. Ready...set...scroll!






I have to say, you people are hella smart. Comments on the challenge post were running about 90% correct! I am very impressed.





And the answer is...





It's the plastic shield that protects a stick of deodorant.

Did you guess it? If so, you are awesome. To everyone who commented last time: thanks for playing, guys!

Want to DIY? Here's a mini tutorial.

To adapt the shield for jewelry, you need one quick trick that allows it to lie flat when worn. It's this: use wire snippers to trim off a bit of the curve in back. Like so:

Next steps: I melted holes in the flanges, spray painted everything silver, and added two jump rings for attaching a necklace. Here's what it looks like in back so you can see what I mean.

See, not hard at all! After that, I had a delightful time embellishing with elephants, dragons and frogs.

For attaching the animals, I made some extra holes, strategically placed, and simply wired them on.

Since my teeny critters are made of rubber, I didn't trust adhesive to hold. More about these cuties in my next post...elephants, dragons and frogs, oh my.

See you then!


  1. OH my goodness - you find a use for everything Mich - this is awesome!!!

  2. this is very clever, I am curious to see how the back looks

  3. I was way off, but this was sure a fun one. Clever, clever, clever.

  4. They were right! I cannot wait for the next mystery thing challenge!

  5. Very smart. Another fun mystery challenge. I am glad to see the cute mini DIY. Can't wait to see whats next ;)
    Have a great weekend!

  6. I would never have guessed in a million years - thats fab!

  7. Hi Mich
    Just stopped by to let you know that I featured this on my Round Tuit post this week!
    A Round Tuit 332
    Thanks again for linking up to A Round Tuit Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  8. Wow! That is awesome! I would have never guessed that. I was thinking an eyeglass lens.
