
Friday, September 30, 2016

Guess The Mystery Thing: Blue Dragon, Silver Shield

Hello!  Ready for a new Guess The Mystery Thing challenge?  Come one, come all!  Test yourself against my fearsome powers of obfuscation!  

The challenge piece: this nifty dragon necklace.

Your mission: identify that silvery, shield-like setting surrounding the dragon.

Here it is naked, hung from three strands of peridot with pearls:

Looks familiar, right?  Or does it?  Bwah ha ha ha.

And hey, while I have you here, I have been trying to decide between two versions of the peridot necklace.  Should it be a leetle frog in a nest of greenery?

Or a tiny 3-D elephant?

Help me out!  Which would you choose?

Leave your guess and your vote in the comments.  Honestly, I'm not sure if this Mystery Thing is ridiculously easy or fiendishly difficult.  How quickly can you guys solve it?  I guess we'll find out!

Check out the thrilling reveal HERE!


  1. Did you spray paint that guard on the top of solid deodorant? Does that thing have a name

  2. Oh and I adore the dragon. So heraldic

  3. Is it the backside of some tiny sign? No, that wouldn't be so hollow... I have no idea.

  4. Deodorant inner cover sprayed silver.
    Love the green beaded ons
    Have a great day

  5. I figured deodorant cover as well. I like the elephant one but the Dragon one is awesome

  6. Hi MichL
    I have no idea, but the deodorant top sounds good to me. I like all of the versions. You do such good work. I certainly wouldn't think of all the things you come up with. Good work.

  7. A cap of some sort and I love the elephant! I like frogs but, for me, the greenery is too big.. Maybe if the greenery was more grass like.

  8. I like all three versions! My guess is a Silly Putty shell. Hmm, no, that would be deeper. I have Silly Putty on the brain.

  9. I think the little frog in the middle of greenery is a delightful scenario for your "little shield thingy."

    Now for the shield ... it looks as though it's the plastic cover from a stick of solid deodorant (you know, the thing under the lid that covers the deodorant itself). I think you spray painted it to use as a base. *impatiently waits for next post*

  10. Elephant! I also think that it is a deodorant cover.

  11. I'd go with the elephant, but i have no idea what that plastic is!

  12. Awesome as always M. Featuring when my party opens tonight!
