
Friday, October 16, 2015

Guess The Mystery Thing: Attack of the Lenticular Hyperboloids

Ready to play a round of Guess The Mystery Thing?  See if you can guess what I used to make these open-structured little pendants:

Here's another version, done up as a flower:

The Mystery Things are the curvy coral-pink shapes.  What are those mysterious items?  Something you've seen before?  Something you have never met in your entire life?  Or something from another dimension in time and space?  Hmmmm...I wonder how many of you will get this one.

You know the rules.  Absolutely NO peeking until you have your guess firmly in mind.  

Got your answer?  Okay - now you can scroll down to see the reveal.





Keep going...





Ready?  You still have time to change your guess...




Okie dokie!  Here it comes.

Behold the Mystery Thing!

The inner parts of these vintage plastic hair rollers!  Rescued from the 'free' box at a recent yard sale.

First thing I did was wash them in a solution of water and bleach.  You know, because of reasons.

Then I snipped slices from the inner rollers, using garden shears.

Cutting the slices had the effect of squishing the ends, forming that pointy-ended shape that looks like an eye.  In two dimensions the shape is called a lens.  When expanded into three dimensions, it is called a lenticular hyperboloid.

But you knew that.

Once I had a bunch of lenticular hyperboloids, I began to play.  Stringing them together through the existing  holes, in various combinations - seeing which way the shapes would hang together.  Much fun!  And I always love taking advantage of ready-made holes in things.

I'm quite pleased with my funny pink pendants.

I also did a Christmas ornament version of the flower, look! 

Without beads in the center, it's nearly weightless, and so darn cute!  I'm going to use up a whole bunch of rollers making these. 

So - who guessed this one?  If you thought it was something different, what was your idea?  Do tell!

Next time, another hair roller idea, something so completely awesome that...well, you'll see.  Click right here to check it out!

Until we meet again...


  1. I actually knew what this was the moment I saw it. I remember my Mom having these when I was a kid. lol Great design

    1. My mom did too! I think that's why I grabbed them when I saw them, having no idea how to use them. Thanks for the sweet comment!

  2. Oh em gee that this what I thought it was! Love this! Thank you for sharing....

    1. Just too smart, you are! Glad you liked them, Shannon dahhhhling!

  3. I couldnt guess but it sounds interesting. you could even spray paint them in metallic for ornaments and nobody with guess what they are

  4. U so amaze me with your talent beautiful necklace

  5. Original and beautiful !!!

  6. You stumped me again with your adorable creations. My guess was the throw away circle part thingie from a twist off milk or juice container.

  7. I can never guess the correct answer! You are too clever and talented to get those lovely pieces from hair rollers!

  8. I can never ever guess the right answer, although I thought it's something pipe or tube stuff but these rollers.. Wow! You did great job dear :)

  9. I remember those hair rollers. I think I had a few myself.

    I'm telling you, you need to write a book. . .Michelle's Mystery Jewelry

  10. They are awesome! I would have never guessed!

  11. Ah Ha!! From a free box at a yard sale! Well done for saving them from landfill and turning them into some amazing creations as always!!
