
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Awesome Organizing With Vintage Hair Rollers!

Okay, here's an organizing and storage idea that (I hope) will make you smile.

I rescued a huge bag of unwanted, old-fashioned plastic hair rollers, and have been working out ways to use them.

As one with naturally curly locks, I knew I'd have to repurpose the dickens out of them.  After giving them a bleach-and-water bath, I started playing around with ideas.  My previous post showed how I turned them into some offbeat jewelry:

As well as a sweet little Christmas ornament.

All very well, but I still had fifty rollers to use up.  Here is the answer: these cylindrical darlings will organize your life!  Simply stuff some rollers into various upcycled containers and WHEE!  Storage for all kinds of things!  Look inside this cut-down milk bottle:

Add paint brushes...


Here's a nekkid peanut can:

I dressed it up with a necklace, but it would be a perfect blank slate for decoupage, paint, glitter or whatever.  Stuffed it full of hair rollers.  Now it's a cool and supremely functional art tool caddy.

Works equally well for makeup and bathroom-counter storage.

And here's my favorite use!  Not exactly organization - more like home decor.  Jam a bunch of rollers tightly into any kind of vase, like so:

Add water and'll hold stems of all sizes and become a simply marvelous flower frog!

It's waterproof, easy to clean and fits into anything - you can turn any odd container into a working vase.

Ain't that fun?

I do so hope you enjoyed this one!


  1. I shouldn't have thrown my rollers away when I went for a shorter hair cut. Clever!

  2. Awesome idea!!! thanks for sharing

  3. Kudos for thinking outside the box!! Your clever upcycling is very creative. I love your ideas. Okay, if I'm telling the truth, the nut can is not a fave... Then again, that's just me! Thank you for keeping them out of the landfills. Patricia B

  4. I will never look at those scary things the same way again. Ooh, love your very clever idea!!!

  5. I love this, it is so brilliant. I never in a million years would have thought to use rollers for this purpose. I just love when people repurpose old junk like this... thanks!! Very cool!!

  6. Mich, you are nailing it again. Love the rollers in the flower jar... Brilliant! Thank you so much for linking this up at SHARE IT 34, As always, I love your contributions! Hugs, Rose

  7. great ideas! I've don a similar organizing thing with TP rolls- but I like this better because the rollers are more sturdy.

  8. What an awesome storage idea Mich! Where do you get these piles of unwanted items from?? I'm intrigued!!

  9. This is an awesome idea dear, As we have electric irons for curling hair, so its totally vintage kinda thing. But your have turned it into a perfect storage solution. By the way you can also decoupage the brown container with some vintage design paper..

  10. Great ideas! I really like the hair rollers organizer, so funny!
    Regards from Germany

  11. I love your clever curler creations (CCC) even more the second time around! Thanks for sharing with us at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  12. Very clever idea! Wish I'd kept all my old hair rollers.

  13. Such clever ideas. I love the jewellery and a great way to organise too. I remember these rollers all too well, I'm sure my Mum still has loads! Pinning this to my #Trash2Treasure board. Please do join my linky there.

  14. This is very smart, Mich! Will have to dig out my mum's old roller;s :-)

    1. Thanks, Agy - and if you can't find them, anyone's mum will have some.

  15. Wow - some great ideas! Not being good at flower arranging I love the look of them in the vase:)

    1. Thanks, Vicky! Somehow I think flowers are all about no rules, so I hope you do some wild arranging this summer and never say you're not good at it!
