
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Invisible Upcycled Necklace Display

Oooh, check out this eerie phenomenon...

A wall of jewelry, displayed on invisible necks!

How'd I do it?  I think you're gonna love this.  It's a crazy easy eco-craft project, starting with some plastic cups (not easily recyclable) that were destined for the trash.

The DIY takes about 30 seconds.  Half a minute, people!  Just think how quickly you could fill up a wall with phantom throats.

Here's all you do.  A couple of inches from the rim, trim nearly all the way around.  Before you cut it completely off the cup, jog your scissors to leave a little tab attached, like so:

Then just bend the tab up and affix it to the wall with a clear thumbtack.

That's it!

At first I thought my invisible necks would be a bit flimsy, so I started with one necklace each...

But it turns out they are surprisingly sturdy.  I piled on more weight and they didn't even flinch.  I might go for three per neck...wish me luck.

This is a big deal for me, as I'm deeply in the throes of creating a new craft studio in a loft room of my desert Southwest adobe fixer house.  I sorely needed an unobtrusive way to show off lots of necklaces.  The recycled element is just a wonderful bonus. 

I'm having a great time finding ways to repurpose these iced coffee cups.  To see what else I've come up with, check out these earrings:

And these awesomely fancy fleurs:

I may not be done some more ideas up my sleeve that I hope to share soon.  See ya!


  1. How awesome is this idea.. so beautiful..
    I think this idea can be adopted with soda cans for hanging some other things with weight..isn't it?
    thanks for sharing :)

  2. Oh, I love this idea. I have tons of necklaces I've made, that are all tangled in a drawer, and I also have a large blank wall in my craft room that I've been struggling with ides to decorate; I wanted it to be unique and display things I've made.. This would be a perfect for that. Fantastic ideas you have always, but this one seems just tailor made for me.

    1. Wow, perfect timing, Diane - so glad you are going to give it a try! I know, isn't the blank wall intimidating sometimes? Because you don't want to clutter it, but you want it to be pretty...and useful...and easy...oy. Thanks for the sweet comment!

  3. genius- I'm converting my necklace display ASAP- Thank you!

  4. Another awesome recycling idea! You are a genius!

  5. This is a fantastic idea - Whenever I pass by a Starbucks I think of your earrings, now I might think of this display too :)

  6. Brilliantly awesome idea Mich! - they look super cool hanging on the wall like that!

  7. OK fine Miss Smarty Pants. Now I have another reason to give the SBux people more money! Featuring when my link party opens up tonight

  8. I like that this puts less strain on a necklace compared to hanging on a hook. Great idea!

  9. Love the invisible display idea - the necklaces then become the focus! Clever!

    1. Thank you, Pearl!!! That was exactly my thought!

  10. Upcycling at it's best - great project!
