
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Guess The Mystery Thing: Long Green Earrings

Hi!  Today, a new challenge for you lovely fans of Guess The Mystery Thing.  Wanna play?  Take a gander at this cute pair of earrings.

Can you identify the mysterious secret ingredient, i.e. the long, swoopy green-and-white jobbies? 

We're playing on the honor system, so no peeking yet.  What are those stripey things?  Have your guess firmly seated in your brainpan before you scroll down for the reveal.

Brainpan set?  Okay, let's do this!




Hint: it's not from the dollar store.  Not even from a yard sale or thrift shop.  It's something I got at an actual, honest-to-gosh, full price retail establishment.




Keep scrollin'...




I try to predict how easy these challenges will be, but most of the time I'm wrong.  This time I predict 85% will get this one.




Ready to see the answer? Sure?

Okie doke!   Here it is:

It's the waves in the hair of the mermaid on the cup from the Starbucks!

I cut out the hair with my littlest scissors:

With a thumbtack, I poked a hole in each tress.  Then layered two of them (facing opposite directions), and incorporated them into in a chandelier-style earring, in the same way I would use any charm with a hole at the top.

I gifted these to one of my fave baristas - she loved them.

So let us know in the comments: didja know this one?  If you guessed something different, what was it?

Do tell!


  1. I am not a coffee drinker, so couldnt figure this one. But Mich, seriously you have the knack for finding beauty in the unlikeliest of places

  2. I thought that it may be from a plastic cup. I love these, I should order something from SBUX just to get a cup. LOL I love these!!!!

    1. Hey it would also be kewl to make something out of the other pieces like the head or the crown. The body would also make some cool earring shapes.

    2. Yessss! I was thinking the same. I have been saving the cute little faces for a necklace, but haven't been able to come up with a design for the crowns. If you do, send me a pic! Thank you, my dearie, glad you liked this one so much! Have a delightful week...


  3. Very clever. I don't do Starbucks so that didn't even cross my mind.

  4. I didn't even come close! I was thinking they looked like a piece of minty gum. I think you need to approach Starbucks and get your own line of jewelry in their stores.

  5. Didn't guess, but I love them!

  6. I was thinking gum too! But plastic is much more practical than food for earrings ;)

    1. Dangerous territory, I'm thinking about gum jewelry!
