
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Guess The Mystery Thing: Beaded Earring Hangers

Welp, time for another Guess The Mystery Thing scroll-down challenge!  Take a look at these curvy beaded earring hangers:

This idea came about when I needed a way to organize lots of BIG statement earrings.  (All the ones in this post are more than 3 inches long.  I like big bobs and I cannot lie!)  Mine were always getting tangled up, with each other or with other earrings hanging nearby.  I came up with this trick to keep those statement earrings separated and on display.

So what are these handy dandy little things?

You know how it works.  Honor system, people!  No peeking until you have closed your eyes, made a wish, prayed to the gods of Mystery and come up with your own guess.

Think you know it?  Then let's scroll!





Keep a-scrollin'...





Annnnd the answer is:






Shower curtain rings!  The kind with built-in beads for rolling along the shower rod.

I discovered that a great way to use them is hung on a tie rack, to allow a bit of space between the big earrings and the wall:

So now comes the honor part....did you Guess The Mystery Thing?  Or did you think of something different?  Do tell!

p.s. If anybody's curious about the earrings, they're all upcycles of one sort or another.  Here are the links:

Woven Silver Teardrops
Weird Flames




  1. Oh I actually KNEW this one, LOL! Creative use of the hangers. I like the ones with little clips (antiques) to clip vintage paper art to things. ;)

  2. I got it right, really I did! So darn clever of you.

  3. Nope - didn't get that one either! I've never seen shower curtain rings with beads on them! When I first saw the picture of them I thought they looked like little baby feet with tiny toes -so cute!

  4. Well I sure am behind, but I did guess it! I wish I could wear long earrings, but I'm a little short in the neck!

  5. What a nifty idea for presenting or storing pairs of earrings :)
