
Friday, February 20, 2015

Guess The Mystery Thing: Silver Flower Stamen

Well, isn't that a learned post title?  Yes, this Guess the Mystery Thing challenge is about a stamen - you know, those little antennae-looking jobbies in the center of a flower.

Wanna play?  Take a look at my pretty homemade presentation box:

The Mystery Thing is the silver stamen.  What are those antennae-looking jobbies?  Ooh, so familiar looking...

We're going to do a scroll down reveal, so don't peek until you think you know what it is.  Oh, and this is also a double Mystery Thing - can you identify the white petals?  I love making these candle-burned flowers, but hate cutting fabric circles, so I have a little shortcut.  Bonus points if you can guess both items!

Thinking cap plugged in?  Wheels turning?  Playing the Final Jeopardy tune in your head?  Okay, if you're ready - let's scroll!










The answer is...tada!

Earnuts!  (For clueless dudes and non-pierced-eared people, they go on the backs of post earrings.)

I unrolled three of them slightly, like so:

Then I stacked 'em on a headpin to make my silvery flower stamen.

Isn't that fun?  Find those stray earnuts at the bottom of your jewelry box and give it a try.

Now for the bonus question: how did I cheat the flower circles?  Answer:

Rose petals from the dollar store wedding section.  True, I have to trim them a bit to get different sizes, but it really cuts down on that fabric-circle-cutting labor.

Okay, scout's honor - did you guess either Mystery Thing?  Do tell!


  1. I got the flower petals right! :D
    But I would never have guessed the earnuts (funny word btw). I like you flowers, they're great!

    1. Oh, thank you, Centi! I agree, earnuts sounds weird...and a little bit gross, hee hee.

  2. No...I have to admit I did not! I also did not know those things were called earnuts. I always just called them earring back thingies. LOL!

  3. Oh Lovely flower and a super nice silver stamen, well done. You are amazing dear Mich :)

  4. The ear ring stopper idea is genius - only you can come up with ideas like this

  5. Okay I'll admit I didn't guess either one. They are fabulous ideas!! Way to go. I may just have to craft-lift these ideas.... Love ya' Patricia B

    1. Thanks, Patricia - lift away! "Craftlifting" is the best word ever - you should copyright it!

  6. You got me on both of them. Now I'll never think of earring nuts the same way much prettier on a flower than on the back of my ears. I have a guess for what the pretty box is made with. Does that count?

  7. You got me on both....I knew both looked so familiar. Very clever! Is the box from The Laughing Cow cheese?
