
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Jewelry Before And After: Too Many Cats

Hello again!  Today I have another quickie makeover to show you.  I'll often buy a less-than-stellar jewel, just because I adore one thing about it.  Definitely the case with this six-cat necklace:

I looove that three-cat focal - so graceful and detailed!  But as for the rest of the necklace...ahem.

My jewelry rule of thumb is identical to my rule of thumb for pet ownership.  Three cats is perfectly fine.  Four cats?  Okay, I can see it.  Five is pushing it, people.  And six is too many cats.*

So for my makeover, I removed three dangling cat charms and the black tassel.  Changed out the chain (and used some of the rejected chain to make a new, color-matched tassel).  Added some carved turquoise leaves.  Here's the after:

Isn't that better?  What do you guys think?  Okie dokie, my dears, thanks so much for popping in.  See you next time!

*Unless they are rescues.  Then all rules fly out the window and unlimited kitties allowed!


  1. I like the necklace so much better with the new chain and leaf beads. Not to be catty, but the dangling kitties were too cute and didn't quite go with regal the trio above. Plus the chain matches better. I don't own any cats, but I love them.

  2. Oh yeah, much better with just 3 kitties and some pretty and colorful beads.

  3. Definitely better! Now did you save those other kitties for another day??

  4. Wow! That looks way better! I love cats but the dangling ones weren't right with the ones they were dangling from at all. I think the leaves add a nice pop of colour that it was needing and boy does the tassel look better with the different chain. You are so clever!

  5. So pretty.. so what if these are 6? haha.. Love it :*

  6. I like the makeover. I would definitely wear it like that. Kudos to you!

  7. Wow, I just got lost on your site for 20 minutes! You are very creative and I love that you can find beauty in so many things.

  8. I think you have done is just the way it should have been in the first place. Way better than the original and much more eye-catching !
