
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

DIY Beaded Water Bottle Strap

Hi, guys!  Here's a tutorial for something a bit different.  Something utterly practical, simple and good.

What is it?  Why, a fancy water bottle strap.  One you can customize with any beads to suit your taste.  Look:

Perfect for walks in the forest, strolls in the city, fashion-forward day hikes, lost weekends at Comic Con.  Here's one modeled by my impossibly cute friend Jane.

A stellar handmade gift for those hard-to-bead-for people!  Also a terrific way to use up some of your beady stash.

So let's make one!  Find a rubber O-ring, a tiny bit tighter than the neck of a water bottle.  (Mine are 15/16" in diameter, 1/8" thick.)

Cut two pieces of skinny cord.  Make each piece long enough to go around your chest (like the strap of a cross-body bag).  Double each cord around the O-ring like this:

Now thread a whole lotta beads over the doubled cords, as pictured:

Lightweight, large-hole beads work best.  If you have trouble stringing your beads over the doubled cord, try my favorite trick in the whole world: those little blue flossers.  Use them to pull the cord through, it really works!

Once both sides are strung, tie a knot to join the two halves.  Trim the extra.


To add a water bottle, just slip the O-ring down past the cap.  It grips and stays like a champ.

 Then sling it over your shoulder and go.  See Jane go.

Go, Jane, go!


  1. A very practical DIY indeed! The ones we get here are very strappy (not sure if that is the right word to use) and not stylish so this would be great!

  2. I like these! Someone gave me a water bottle strap at Christmas and it's not nearly as cool as these! And yes, your friend Jane is impossibly cute!

  3. I'd have to carry around a suitcase full of these so I could sell one to every person who'd be stopping me in my tracks! Brilliant idea!

  4. I've never seen a water bottle strap. These are brilliant and Jane models it so well.

  5. Great idea! I'm going to try this!

  6. I used to always carry around bottles with straps as a kid and would get teased about it a lot. I wish I had thought of a beaded strap then - it would have been so cool

  7. Genius as always! I definitely need to make a few of these. Featuring when my party opens up tonight!

  8. So perfect and useful.. very smart idea :) thank dear for this fun tutorial !

  9. Jane! <3 her! And cool idea too, lol!

  10. what a fun idea - would never have though of it!

  11. Clever idea, Michelle, especially using the O-ring.

  12. Such a great idea, perfect for festival season

  13. I LOVE the use of the O-ring! You are a genius Mich!! Such an awesome idea!
