
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ornamental Bead Sticks! Part Three: DIY Tealight Holders

More fun is at hand!  Here comes Part Three of my scintillating series, Stuff On Sticks.  I invented a darling DIY tealight holder, which looks all store-bought schmancy...

...but takes less then ONE MINUTE TO MAKE, and is, in reality, a sink strainer on a knitting needle.

Yep, a dollar store sink strainer.

On a garden variety, thrift-shop-frugal-or-hand-me-down-freebie knitting needle.

If you agree this is adorable and fun, clack your knitting needles!  Louder!  I can't hear you!

Okay, quit yer clacking and listen up, because here's how you make 'em.  Did I mention it takes less than ONE MINUTE?

Poke a knitting needle through the center of a mesh-type strainer.  Slide the strainer all the way up.

Note: when you come to the little raised collar part, gently wiggle things around until the hole widens a bit more - then you'll be able to push the strainer all the way past the collar.

Select a rubber washer - any style is fine, as long as the hole is a good, tight fit to the knitting needle.

Slide the washer up until it rests securely against the strainer.

Holy crackers, you guys!  That's all there is to it!!!

Love love love it.  Now jab it into a plant, or a vase full of stones, and light it up with a real tealight or an electric one.

For even more fabulosity, add charms or dangles.  You could use jump rings.  Or even easier, do what I did: hang your charms with a few of those kidney-style earwires.

Sure, it adds another coupla minutes to the completion time, but oh so worth it!

Final idea!  What to do with the extra strainers that come in the package - the little teeny ones too small to hold a tealight?  Well!  I replaced the rubber washers with some random plastic leaves off dollar store faux flora.

Result: weird flowers!!!

Is it me, or are these really pretty?

How to use them?  Hmm.    I had one good idea: use them as mini earring holders.  Picture one stuck into a bud vase, with your favorite earrings displayed hanging in a circle from the rim.

Any more suggestions?  What would youse guys do with them?

Me?  I might just use them as weird flowers.

That's it for right now.  I'll be back soon with more Stuff On Sticks.

To see the rest of the Stuff On Sticks:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six 

Part Seven 


  1. A interesting game of lacrosse for munchkins? Flyswatters for pregnant flies!

  2. Birdseed holders for windowboxes!

    1. I love the bird seed idea!!! Good one! I would put them in plants on my deck.

  3. as usual fantastic idea, If only I could find these supplies I would make them (nope you dont find them here). They look really pretty with lights and I would leave them that way

  4. These are nifty! For the smaller ones, I might make Christmas decor for the yard...glitter on a styrofoam ball hotglued to the bowl of the strainer. Maybe. Really, there's a lot that could be done with these! Thanks for sharing!

  5. What could I possibly suggest that would top what you've already done.

  6. Oh those are really pretty! I want to make some for my deck next summer! Scintillating indeed!

  7. Melted Marshmallows! These are totally tilting the creativity factor. So amazing! I might put potpourri in the small ones or the scented stones. Maybe stow my stitch markers in one in a vase by my chair. So, many ideas buzzing in my head. Thanks!

  8. How creative can one person be? You are amazing!

  9. Oh Mich! These are AWESOME. I'm always looking at the piles of knitting needles in the charity shops and wondering what could be done with them (other than knitting that is!) Brilliant - you've inspired me.

  10. What an imagination Michelle.....pretty, creative, awesome, brilliant,,,nice and simple and instructions are easy to follow

  11. Well girl....these are just cute as can be...I love them cant wait to get to the store to get the stuff and start making them.. thank's a bunch ....lov christy

    1. Hey, Christy, thanks so much for the sweet comment! So glad you liked this one.
      Happy crafting!
