Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fancy Embroidered Pendants! (Okay, I Cheated)

I am so chuffed.  I made three beautiful pendants, positively dripping with gems and beads and gold thread embroidery.

Oooh.  Ahhh.  Just look at the detail!

What a lot of work!  My fingers are sore, I am bleeding from all the needle pricks and half blind from the close embroidery work.

How'd I really make them?

Found these little boxes at a discount sale (a buck and a quarter each, whoo!!!).  I pried off the tops and omgeeeeeee, a gorgeous disc of delight.

If only I could find a way to hang it on a necklace.  Putting the little gray cells to work, I came up with three different ways to convert them to pendants.  Ready?  Here comes a triple DIY.

Method One: I sewed a small brass filigree onto the front of the disc.  Glued a circle of felt to the back.  Then added a nice big jump ring, and ta-da!

This baby was all ready to hang on the nearest cord, chain or necklace of my choice.


Method Two: I found a great big filigree (it came off an old brooch, I think) that was just a bit larger than the embroidered disc.  I bent the corners up, nestled the disc inside, then bent the corners down to hold it in place.

I added jump rings for attaching a long decorative chain.

Loooove it!

Method Three: I used my all time favorite little trick, aluminum duct tape.  Taped a plain metal ring to the disc, and that was all she wrote.

Bam, that took a hot minute!

And now, of course, I have three little blank-slate boxes to embellish at my leisure:

One o' these days, I'll show you what I did.  Later, gators!



  1. Genius! and what good luck to find those beauties for so little! Some ribbon bows for the tops? Maybe some rubber stamped wreath? How about a rounded bit of quilt... the box fix is intriguing. Thanks for the tuts!

  2. They look so great...! I just want to go out exploring shops right now (little bit difficult, already too late).

  3. Sooo cool. I'm amazed...again!!!

  4. are brilliant.

  5. Aluminium. Duct. Tape. Oh. My. Various. Gods. How have I never seen this stuff? This changes everything! Well, it opens up all sorts of interesting possibilities, anyway.

    I love the blue one. That filigree idea is so clever. I'd never think to do that, because I wouldn't want to 'waste' it by having most of it not be visible. :)

  6. You are a genius! Those are gorgeous! Leave it to you to figure out how to make jewelry out of a box lid!!!

  7. These are absolutely stunning - and very creative to boot! Can't wait to hear what you do with the little boxes (hmmmmm, shadow box ornament???)

  8. These are absolutely stunning - and very creative to boot! Can't wait to hear what you do with the little boxes (hmmmmm, shadow box ornament???)

  9. those pendants are fabulous! I'm going hunting for pretty topped boxes!

  10. this is amazing and I'm so doing this! beautiful and easy,what could be better?

  11. Gorgeous pendants Michelle! as always , so creative!

  12. Oh, wow! That is so cool! Now you have three gorgeous pendants, lucky you!

  13. Oh goodness, you went and did it again! Why did I know that your fingers weren't really bleeding from all the bead work? Because I knew you discovered something fabulous and had your way with it. My eyes will be wide open for something like this. Love these!

  14. I would love to see how your brain works. Simply amazing!

  15. these look super fancy and I always love jewelry that looks like it took hours to make but that only takes minutes. I also wanted to inform you that this post didnt show up on my blog reader I found it on craft gawker

  16. Great idea. Always so satisfying to re-use items in a new context.

  17. Awesome job! I like it! I have to share it on the jewelry making blog at Craft Gossip!

  18. Gosh, you are good! Your creativity is on overdrive. LOVE IT!!!

  19. OMG loving these pendants a lot.. so beautiful.. and the embroidery work is always fancy!! I like the first method with felt, but the boxes are soooooooooo cute... here in Pakistan these kind of boxes (in big sizes)are usually used during weddings/festivals for the wedding treats and gifts.. but love the small size too :)

  20. This has to be one of my favorite projects of yours. All the pendants look great!

  21. Just wanted to let you know I featured your tutorial on the jewelry making blog at Craft Gossip! The necklaces are lovely!

  22. And did you know you can color aluminum duct tape with alcohol inks? There's something called a marbling technique to use on your tape, it's gorgeous! -Patricia in Seattle

  23. gorgeous! thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday! Love that aluminum duct tape too, it's fab for crafting.

  24. This is so ingenious it physically hurts me. I've admired bead embroidery since before I got into jewelry making, but am crap at sewing. So this right here is freaking fantabulous.

  25. Oh wow, those are just brilliant Michelle, and of course beautiful! (You don't do anything else, do you?)
