
Friday, August 2, 2013

The Mystery Thing Revealed: Cha Cha Challenge

The time has come!  I'm about to reveal the answer to this week's Guess The Mystery Thing game.  My readers have been trying to identify the mysterious secret ingredient in these cha-cha jewels:

To what mysterious surface are those flower beads attached?  Think you know?  Did anybody guess?  Read on to find out!

First, Mich's Honor Roll Of Most Creative (Totally Wrong) Guesses:

Shannon:  Barbie's belts?
Handmade Cuties: Big toothy gums from someone's skeleton.
Sakura:  Popsicle sticks for homemade blood pops, made with boogers and blood, resulting in the white and flat gray color.
Amy: Orthodontia from the cast of The Planet of the Apes!

Ha!  These were way creepier than expected - in fact, altogether ookie.  Love it, you guys.

Now - to business!  I thought this would be a really, really hard one.  Jeesh, was I wrong!  A whole passel of you guessed this, and I'm still a bit shocked.

Perhaps what gave it away was the faux wood grain texture, seen on this closeup of the back:

Still in the dark?  Okie dokie.

Shall we find out?



What the heck is it?'s an 8-foot-long panel of vinyl siding for mobile homes.  The little raised loops are ventilation holes punched into the vinyl.   Bought it at Home Depot.  I cut a small section of the vented part to create my cha-cha jewelry.

Yes, I am exactly that strange.

Originally, I thought I'd do a full cha-cha bangle going all the way around the wrist, with a long skinny piece like this:

But the siding turned out to be really stiff, imagine that!  In the end I used small snippets and kind of love the resulting jewels.

Winners, winners!  The very first person to guess it, and the top prize winner this week: Lisa W!  Our lovely second runner up, chosen by Nancy!  Congratulations to you both - check for my email coming soon.

Thanks as always for playing along, you wonderful people...see you again soon, I hope.


  1. Congratulations! Wouldn't of guessed it in a zillion years.

  2. That is really absolutely strange!

    ...and cool! ;)

  3. Haha! Thank you! My hubby owns a company who installs seamless eavestroughing, fascia and soffit, and it's what he's done for the last 10 years, so I'm vaguely familiar with the product, lol! Never "in a zillion years" ;) would I have ever thought to use it like this though! Love the set, can't wait to show off my prize!

  4. YOu make me think I should keep my jewelry making supplies out when I pack up the rest of my craft stuff to put my house on the market! So very clever, girl!

  5. I can't believe anyone would have guessed this. Amazing and oh so clever.

  6. That is amazing! lol I always get neat ideas in Lowes but I never ever would've come up with that one :D

  7. Her mind works in mysterious ways...

  8. Thank you!! I was so excited to win I scared my hubby when I screamed, he thought something was wrong. :)

  9. You come up with the best mysterious things...You would love shopping in my garage, which is a mish-mash of stuff. Whenever I need anything, I look there first. I am not a minimizer.
