
Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Mystery Thing Revealed: Green And Purple Bells

After many days marinating, it's time to stick a fork in this thing, because it is done!  I'm referring to this week's Guess The Mystery Thing game, of course.  My readers have been trying to identify the mysterious secret ingredient in this pearly purple necklace:

And these swingy bright earrings.

The mystery: what are those green and purple, bell-shaped objects?  Think you know?  Did anybody guess?  Read on to find out.

Before I reveal the answer, here is Mich's Honor Roll of Most Creative (Totally Wrong) Guesses:

Patricia: Barney's egg shells from his breakfast this morning.
Betsy:  Grape and lime flavored miniature waffle ice cream cones. The pattern gives it away.
Lora:  What was left over when Ariel the Little Mermaid got legs.
Brinn: The green and red ones look like venus fly traps.  Kickass!
Amy: You took a waffle iron to Marge Simpson's chapeau.
Shannon: Tinkerbell's skirts!
Kitkat: The fingers of gardening gloves.
Squarefeet: Pieces cut from feminine hygiene product containers - the kind you discretely carry in your purse.

Utterly Superb!  Totally wrong!  I love you guys!

So do you think someone got this one?

Nope nope nope.  Nobody got this.  A stumper, people!

Okay, let's find out the tricky answer.


The Mystery Thing...


Squirt bulbs from some silly little joke rings.  From the party favor section of the dollar store.

I cut them in half, then scalloped the edges for a variety of fun bell shapes.

Winners, winners!  Congrats to Handmade Cuties and anabelucraft.  Be sure to check for my email, coming soon!

Thanks so much for playing, everybody!

p.s. sorry there was such a long wait for the answer this time, you guys.  I had some sad news and a family emergency, was away from the web for many days.  It's nice to be back online playing silly games with you lovely people.


  1. Ahh, the one time I was right, I didn't see the project until the reveal post. Darn it.

  2. Hooray! Thank you. You are uber-creative :)
    (Handmade Cuties)

  3. I will have to check Kroger for some of these, I think that I saw them there...very creative Michelle! Congrats to the winners!

  4. Sorry you had a rough week. Hope things are better now!

  5. Michelle these bangles are so very pretty. Love all the colour possibilities... I'm sad to hear you had a hard week. Will you be okay? I sure hope so...

  6. Gee..I'm sorry about your sad news and rough week. Thank you for the reveal with everything that is going on. I'm still loving the neon chain you've been using lately in your jewelry. And I am spending too many, but fun, hours reading your readers' blogs. You have a very talented following.

  7. First of all, I too am also very sorry you've had a rough week and hope it starts getting better real soon! =)

    Second. I really love these! As soon as you revealed, I was all, OMG that's what they are, I knew I recognized it, but had no clue from where!!! You're good. Almost too good. Maybe too good for your own good... LoL!

  8. Sorry about you having a rough time. Praying for you.

    Now I recognize what that is. I have a little frog that is attached to a little tube, then a bulb like that. When you press on the bulb, he jumps (he has cool looking legs) Can't give something like THAT away, can't I? But, it is a bulb thingy like that... Cool beans.

  9. You pulled one over on us once again...too cute. I'm really sorry to hear you've had a rough week, hope all is better now. Hugs.

  10. Arghhhh! I would never have guessed that in a million years! Sorry about your week...everything OK girl?
