
Friday, March 29, 2013

Fishook Earring Earrings!

Fishhook earring earrings?  What the heck does that mean?  Well, it means I hacked some fishhook earring findings, and turned them into a pretty wirework shape.

A shape with which to design - that's right - a new, unusual style of fishhook earrings.  Check these out!

I just love the architecture of these!  And since I love any shortcut to complicated-looking wirework - I know this little hack is going to become a very good friend.

Fishhook-style findings are ubiquitous and inexpensive.  I bet you have some already - maybe on some earrings you don't like anymore?

Find them!  Repurpose them!  Ready for the VERY EASY DIY?  Read on, my lovelies, read on.

Grab the poke-it-through-your-earhole end with round-nose pliers.  Turn a small loop.

Now take that small loop and pull it sideways, so it sticks out to one side of the rest of the fishhook.  It was hard to get an action shot, but I hope you can tell what I mean:

Tada!  That's yer brand new, extra dainty, swoopy-curvy wirework finding!  If you have two ears, make a second one, going the opposite direction.

As you observe, it has three loops, all ready for you to embellish.

Add a small bead to one loop...

Add a longer bead (or a multiple-bead dangle) to another loop...

Finally, add a plain old, un-hacked fishhook finding to the third loop, and YIPPERS!  You are done!

Looks like you slaved over a hot wirework jig for hours, doesn't it?

You can use these doohickys (or would that be spelled doohickies?) to build interesting architecture for necklaces, too.

Hope you like this idea; hope you try it!  Let me know.

(And thanks to regular reader Shannon, for sending me those lovely, handmade blue paper beads.)


  1. Wow, That is both creative thinking and cool outcome. Keep up the great think outside the box ideas. Love them.

  2. How do these cool doohickey ideas enter your mind? I can try all I want, but I have a hard time getting the ear wires to look are tooo talented. Will focus on pendants!

  3. What a great idea. It's so incredibly cute! I'ma have to steal it for my own jewelry. You're so inspiring!

    1. Clarification: Jewelry I make for myself and don't sell for profit, fyi. :) I would never steal someone else's ideas to make money for myself!

  4. Oh my goodness I absolutely love these...Guess which ones are my faves ;) I am going to make some earrings later like these. Where did you get the heart charms?

  5. Mich, you are absolutely AMAZING!!! Who woulda thunk it???? Can't wait to use this idea in designs of my own!!!

  6. I tried this once and failed horribly as the necklace kept getting tangled and the earrings wouldnt fall straight. but after seeing your work I think that I'll try it again

  7. I have a huge stash waiting to be transformed into fabulous Doohickies. You always amaze me!!!

  8. Lovely idea, i should try this and make a beautiful jewelry for me.

  9. Awesome Awesome super cute.. Love it..

  10. Love this idea Michelle. It's so versatile.

  11. That's just swoopy 'n cool! Really effective for creating layered pieces, eh?

  12. Loving the turquoise - I am all about turquoise right now.

  13. I love them all.. and I like the fish hook color too...really awesome
