
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Mystery Thing Revealed: The Red Queen's Ring

Hi hi!  Time to reveal the exotic truth behind this week's Guess The Mystery Thing challenge.  So exciting!  My readers have been trying madly to identify the twisty red and yellow curlies in these crazy upcycled statement rings:

Think you know the answer?  Did anyone get it right?  Read on to find out!

First, let's see what made it into Mich's Honor Roll Of Most Creative (Totally Wrong) Guesses:

Lorraine:  Tassels for little kids' bike handles. Either that or you scared the bejeezes out of some hair ribbons.
Danni: The wax peel off the Baby Bell Cheese???
Annabel52:  The plastic casing for shotgun shells.
Betsy:  I have no clue, but I do know you're going to win friends and influence people. You'll be the life of the party with the only fashion accessory that will open a wine bottle.
nhouse49:  The plastic strips you peel off to open kitty litter containers.
Amy:  Plastic ketchup and mustard bottles.  Either that, or Barbie watched the Hunger Games, and was so upset that it made her hungry for hot dogs with ketchup and mustard..but the grill melted her hair so it stuck up in a curly mess and then she flew into a psychotic rage and put her finger in a light socket and her hair turned red.

Oh, brilliant!  I am genuinely sad that none of those are true.

Ready to see the answer?

It is so much fun.




Plastic toy bowling pins, from a set I found at the dollar store.

I love my rings, even though they are insane.

Now, on to the zillion dollar question - did we have a correct guess?  Did someone figure out the answer was toy bowling pins?

Astoundingly, someone did!  Can you believe it?

Winners, winners.  Our brilliant correct guesser: Ren! (Ren claims to have figured this out based on the geometry of the curls.  I say she's either a mathematical genius - or a witch.)  And our lovely runner up, chosen by  Julie.  Congrats, you two!  Please look for my email coming soon.

Thanks a zillion-and-a-half for coming out to play, you guys - you are the best and I appreciate you more than I can express.

I have a flaming ring tutorial coming soon...

And, say - look what else you can do with a plastic toy bowling pin!

Excited about these necklaces!!!  Working on that tutorial as well. 

 See you then!


  1. Darn it!! I never guess right! But I love doing it! I really like those necklaces too!

  2. I would like a brain cam video of you at the dollar store. I want to see that muscle live and in action. I missed the guessing part but my guess would have been that you designed this for Katniss Everdeen's fire costume in The Hunger Games. Clearly, the creative odds are ever in your favor.

  3. Wow! I can't believe I actually won...I was sure that my eyeball guesstimating math was off. I must be a witch... That explains ...a lot, actually. LOL

  4. Somebody actually guessed it - funny. They are cute and you are right - crazy.

  5. I love the flower pots!!! And NEVER would have guessed bowling stars were aligned for Ren!

  6. It's crazy that someone actually knew the answer...I'm sure thought you get us on this one. Love those clever little flower pot bowling pin necklaces.

  7. I cannot believe that somebody guessed that! UNBELIEVABLE!! I did like the barbie's fingers in the electric socket answer though - wish that had been right! :)

  8. I just want to say - "what the hell??" and how did anyone guess that? Mich you are becoming more and more evil (genius) by the day

  9. I agree with the others. What kind of master-mind guesses this CORRECTLY? Craziness!

    I just adore those little flower pot necklaces... How clever-cute are those????
