
Friday, January 4, 2013

The Mystery Thing Revealed: Another Definition Of Green

Hey hey!  I'm back to reveal the elusive, hotly-debated solution to this week's Guess The Mystery Thing challenge.  If you are just joining us, my readers have been trying to identify the mysterious secret ingredient in these upcycled pendants:

Think you know the origin of those curvy green focal pieces?  Betcha don't!  Let's find out if anyone got it...

First, here's Mich's Honor Roll Of Most Creative (Totally Wrong) Guesses:

Imadorable: That thing at the eye doctor's office, used to cover one eye while you read the chart.
Katherine:  Ken's scuba flippers.
Jinglesmom:  The flip top lid from a shaker of Parmesan cheese?
Amy:  A leprechaun's skateboard...or Pokey's Rose Parade pooper scooper!
Divya: A hair removal cream spatula.
Lora: A gnome's sliding board.
Dena & Shea: Darth Vader's helmet that he made especially in honor of St. Patrick's Day.
MG: It's from the newest line in fairy waterbeds.
Lisa: Frogger's feet.  When he finally got across that street you clipped them off - how dare you!
Glittervamp: A tongue depressor for a tiny horse?  If not, an icescraper for the Green Goblin's toy cars.
Betsy: You discovered a long lost box of 3D PacMan prototypes in a warehouse.  
Looove these!  Don't know what you clever nuts will think of next.


Now, shall we find out the answer?

It's a goodie!




Okay then....



The 'flippers' of a golf practice putting cup!  Today's definition of green is the one found on a golf course.

Did anybody guess this?  Yes!!!!  But it took a week and (ahem) an extra hint on my part for that to happen.   (When a challenge is extra tough, I often tweet a little help, over on my Twitter.)

Winners, winners!   The genius who finally got it was....drum roll, please...Amy S!  And this week's lovely, randomly chosen runner-up: Terri!  Congrats, you two!  Be sure to look for my email, coming soon.

Wasn't that a cool one?  A great way to start the new year.  Thanks so much for playing, my dears - hope you come back for more mysterious fun!


  1. Thank you! I'm not exactly a genius, but I won't complain. I would never have guessed it without Twitter help!

  2. Fabulous! I never would have guessed even if it was right in my face:-)

  3. Congrats to the winners!!! If I'd asked help from fellow golfers in my family, I'd won, but I didn't...beautiful necklaces and I love the honor roll of wrong guesses. That is what makes this fun!!! Can't wait for the next one...

  4. Dang it! I never guess these!! But I love seeing them! You amaze me with the things you find to create such beautiful jewelry out of!

  5. I was 100% sure it was a guitar pic! Putting cup? I didn't even know such a thing was needed. (Hashtag whitepeopleproblems). Well I'm glad you put it to better use!

  6. Beautiful necklace but.OMG..dear Mich..a putting cup is totally new thing for me..BTW what is this ?
    well thats why I was unable to guess this mystery..( I am saying this as I am always guessing right in past..hehehe..lolz)

  7. I know this is not the first time I ask this question...Which planet were you from again? Mei, Jo and I want to have our brain transplant there!

  8. Leave it to you to see jewelry in a golf-practice putting cup, hee hee! As it happens, this is the very green that is the new "in" colour for 2013 (I just read that today somewhere...). You're so hip, it's crazy!

  9. This is an incredible idea- amazing green color, too!
