Sunday, March 11, 2012

Look, Ma, No Tools! Designer Earrings In A Minute, Using Nothing But YOUR BARE HANDS!

Leafy, elegant earrings.  Cute, right?  And just LOOK at this pair:

Those incredibly mini, adorably detailed seahorsies are killing me, just a little bit.

Guess what?  You, yes, YOU can make these in one stinkin' minute.  With nary a wire cutter or a pair of jewelry pliers in sight.

Check out the DIY - an absolute-beginner, no-tools-needed, incredibly fast and fabulous earring tutorial!

Open a jump ring that is lightweight enough to swivel apart with your fingers.

Super important to remember: don't pull the ends straight apart - swivel them side to side.

Catch a charm in the jump ring and swivel it closed.

*If you haven't jump-ringed before, here's a useful jewelry-maker's tip.  Jump rings like to do a sneaky trick and pop open just a fraction after you close them.  I always close my jump ring, count to five, watch it pop open, then close it again.  Mentally chastising the obnoxious little critter for trying to pull a fast one.

Okay, now take a second jump ring and catch the first jump ring and your earring finding.  Swivel the second jump ring closed as before.

If you're a dude, you are done!!!  If you're a girl and have two ears, repeat for a second earring.

Congratulations!  You have made earrings without tools, without fear and without reproach.

Aren't you talented???  Yep.  You are.


  1. U R A Card! How funny. I had a few good chuckles here, and before breakfast! Thank you, M.

  2. Amazing that something that's super simple looks so good! I'm loving the random picture of the segway! Have you heard the song 'Chimpanzee riding on a segway'? Look it up on youtube and you won't be able to stop listening to it for at least half an hour!

  3. For these earring designs? So said kits would include the adorable seahorse charms? Oh, just take my money right now.

  4. Wao, such beautiful idea..& how easy..Thanks for sharing dear, & I will wait for your next post, Hope it will be interesting to read about your project story :)
    Thanks ~

  5. left out "Ta da...!! the earrings are done "... :D :D

  6. Bare handmade designer earrings! You are really unpredictable and awesome!

  7. How cool! The perfect project to get adults as well as kids to make stuff :)

  8. que facil!!!! perfecto para empezar:-D

  9. Such a sweet diy Michelle. Even us non-jeweler types could do this eh?

  10. Even I could do that one! Thanks Mich!!!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  11. I like the twisted texture of your jump rings. I think it's time to update my jewelry making supplies.

  12. Nothing like instant earrings, cuteness with ease! Those little buggers do the same thing to me...always trying to escape. I wiggle them back and forth for a few seconds and that seems to keep them in their place once and for all:-)
