Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Mystery Thing Revealed: You Was Framed!

Okay, I have good news and bad news.  The good news: I'm about to reveal the answer to this week's Guess The Mystery Thing challenge!  To refresh your memories, the mystery was this little bitty white frame:

What the heck did these used to be, before they got upcycled into jewelry?

According to the rules of play, the first person to guess the answer wins one of the mystery jewels.  Yay!

The bad news...

Sorry, my dears!  LOTS of clever guesses this time.  Very confident little guesses they were, too.  And heeheehee, not a single one of you got this right!  Nope, not even in the ballpark.  I wiiiin!

Before the reveal, here is Mich's Honor Roll of Most Creative (Totally Wrong) Guesses:

Amy: Barbie's engaged to Ken and she has just registered the white dinner plates she's always dreamed of.
Betsy: Thin mint candy molds.
Olivia:  Barbie's furniture gliders.
Peaches: Nightstand trays from the Polly Pocket Holiday Inn. So obvious.
Dena:  Mich, I seriously hope these are those sliding puzzle tiles and you've finally found a use for them besides driving reasonably intelligent puzzlers crazy. If so, I may be able to lower my rage-controlling meds.
Smree:  Teeny tiny hotel soaps.
Sonja:  Dollhouse ceramic tile samples.
Anne:  Wheels for a toy Flintstone car.
Meijo's JOY:  The white chocolate my ex-boyfriend used to buy me.

Yes, yes!  Brilliant!  Buuuuut nope.

Ready to find out?  It's a super sneaky one.  I altered an item from the home improvement store, something you might have used if you have ever redone a kitchen.


Tile wedges!  Wha...?  You have never seen these before?  Me neither.  Until a few days ago.  Aren't they nifty?  They come with a pre-made hole, and cost less than four bucks for 100!

Winners! chose this week's two lovely winners...congrats to MIXIKIM and  Melissa!  Woot woot!  I'll be emailing soon.

I have a tutorial up my sleeve, so please come back soon and we'll have some fun with these little things.


  1. Wow I may have to go get me some! I love them!

  2. The great news is that you are so inventive! I wonder how you cut them. I'm going to Home Depot as soon as I find out!!!

  3. So I never thought I'd Google tile wedge spacers in my life and what did I find? Spacers without holes, spacers that look like propellers and flowers (might be cute), thin spacers, and so many fun odd shapes, but alas..not yours :( Please share!

    1. Amy, I found mine at a Lowe's. Here's a link to the actual brand, and their website has a 'purchase' button at the top that shows which stores carry them.

  4. hiya mich , lol no never seen them before little old me uses my dads tipto space tiles ....matches ...little old sticks of fire just like the little matchgirl used ;) . but hats of to you yet again for keeping us a guessing x but sure you know we love it ;)
    thanks for playing with our heads

  5. Think of all the earrings you can make with an entire pack of those babies and the pre-drilled holes are a time saving bonus. You got us!!

  6. Ah you! It's always a shock and a surprise to see what you've used. I'd never seen these little spacer guys either. So much potential though!

  7. I hear about many things for the first time when I see them as jewelry on your blog...hard to think of them now as anything else :P

  8. Es increible!!!!! quedan preciosos!!!!
    Y no hay que hacer ni siquiera el hueco:-D
    Michelle eres un genio!!!

  9. You'll now having us shop at hardware stores with thoughts of you in mind.... how cool these beauties are. Congratulations to the winners!!!! And having premade holes are perfect.

  10. hmmm...these are beautiful but believe me I dont know about these & I saw these first time here at your place..well,No problem..
    you can also color these for some more fun.,
    Have fun ~

  11. what kind of plastic are they? if they are nylon they could be dyed with Rit....

  12. Friggin' brilliant Mich! Just brilliant.

  13. This is so cool! Brilliant idea :-)
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