
Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Mystery Thing Revealed: An Old World Solution.

Well, that sure was fun!  For the past few days, my readers and I have been playing a new game of GUESS THE MYSTERY THING.  A whole buncha people tried to I.D. the mysterious silvery base of my latest upcycled jewelry project:

What do you think?  I did give one tiny hint: that the Mystery Thing was something a little bit Old World.  And I ventured to predict that the winner would be one of my European readers.

Before we find out if anyone got it, I salute the brilliance of all you fabulous weirdos, who entertain me every time with your ridiculous ideas.  Here are this week's HONORABLE MENTIONS FOR THE VERY BEST (TOTALLY WRONG) GUESSES:

Jessi: Robocop's contact lens.
Lorraine: Jingle from a tambourine.  (Great guess!)
Meijo's JOY: A mermaid's sea shell powder compact.
JesusChique: Mermaid bra cups.
Keely: Pasties for a robot stripper.
Amy: Satellite dish on a dollhouse.
Anne P: Frisbee for a Madame Alexander doll.
Alex Smith: Foiled jellyfish.
Periwinkle Dzyns: Jock cups for leprechauns.
Smree: Some of the Tin Man's spare parts.  (Let's not ask which.)
Rengawk: There's my foil hat!

Snort giggle.

Okay, are you ready?  Let's find out the answer...

Little tin clips for Christmas tree candles!  Very traditional and beautiful.  Because of the fire hazard, we rarely light real tree candles here in the USA.  (Mine are vintage and faux, but the clips are just the same.)

We have WINNERS!  Congrats to clever Centi from Germany (see, I was right!) who entered the very first correct guess.  And has chosen the second winner, Gillian.  Hooray to you both, expect an email soon.

Thanks a million for playing along, EVERYBODY.  I do love this game.  Next time, I swear I'm gonna stump you!


  1. Congratulations to the winners!!! I love hearing all the honorable mentions. The list is getting longer...which means your objects are getting quite interesting. Love the necklace and love playing the guessing game. Keep us guessing!!!
