
Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Mystery Thing Revealed; My Spirit Crushed.

Oh, foofers!  I can't believe someone guessed my latest Mystery Thing!  If you missed the post, here's a peek:

And I thought it was tres mysterious!  Apparently, not so much.  I was crushed by an avalanche of correct guesses.  Waaah!  Sniff.

Before I reveal the winners (and the answer), let's salute the comedians.  Here are my HONORABLE MENTIONS FOR THE VERY BEST (TOTALLY WRONG) GUESSES:

Anne P: a belt buckle made from red licorice.
Periwinkle Dzyns: a toilet training seat for My Little Pony.
Ashley: molds of the footprints of the reclusive Ponybear.
Amber: tiny fairy sleds.
Keely: accessories for Mrs. Potato Head.
Anon: a Santa magnet, backwards and painted red.


Ready for the reveal?  Here goes...

Plastic vampire teeth!  Now honestly - wouldn't you have thought I could get away with a stumper here?  You people are smarter than you look.

Winners!  For first correct guess: Alex Smith - he or she is most perceptive indeed!  And my 2nd winner, chosen by Mandiferous.  Congrats to both of yiz!!!  Expect an email anon.

Now I slink away in defeat, to plot my next Attack of the Mystery Thing.  I'll get you my pretties...someday.


  1. jeje esta vez todos habían comprado los dientes para Halloween:-)
    yo no lo habría adivinado porque en Italia non hay esta fiesta:-D
    Los aretes están muy hermosos!!!

  2. Helloooooo..i have missed the mystery post buttttttt now it seems my guess will not be a right guess..hehe :)
    well these earrings are so smart, you cut these in a very cute shape :)
    WELL DONE *(*

  3. I cannot believe someone guessed that! My daughters are impressed!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  4. I just love the game... especially the 'answer's...absolutely speechless but really impressed by you and your fans!

  5. I wondered - the little white on the inside of the teeth really had me curious.

  6. Yeah to the winners!!! (and cool answers on the honorable mentions, including moi :) ) I need to go cruise the store again, I never thought of vampire teeth. Somehow, the red had me thinking valentines day. Guess I'm a romantic, and off season at that.

    Ready for another one! Keep em coming....

  7. What?!!! All those people were actually right? Wow. I need to get out more cause I had NO IDEA. Congratulations to the clever guessers and winners!

  8. I am really enjoying coming up with wrong answers and flattered to be on the funny list once again!

  9. Hihi...! Red vampire fangs, how strange! ^^ Great idea!
