
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Guess the Mystery Thing: I Put A Bird On It.

Yay!  Another Guess The Mystery Thing game!  It's fun to play and everyone is invited.  Just take a peek at my new upcycled necklace:

Be first to identify the Mystery Thing - in this case, that black tubular object - and you win the necklace!

I hope you like it...perhaps it's the teeniest bit weird, but it's super fun to wear - I have been wearing mine constantly since I invented it a few days ago.

Here's another version, without the dangles:

This challenge might be a tricky one.  But whenever I think that, you guys guess it immediately, waaah.  So I'm going to be particularly mean, and not even give a hint!

How it works: leave your guess in the comments.  There will be two winners: first correct guess, and a random winner.  That's right, I said random winner - so even if you don't know (or think someone else already got it), enter anyway, you could still win.  And if your guess is funny, it might make my Most Creative Honor Roll!

This giveaway is open to anyone, anywhere.  So c'mon and join in!  There is only one rule.


1. UNLESS YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IS ONE CLICK AWAY IN AN ONLINE PROFILE, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WITH YOUR GUESS.  (Fun fact: If you only THINK your email is visible in your profile, it probably isn't.  Go in there and make sure, okay?  Nothing is sadder than a winner disqualified for no contact info!)

Okay, gang.  Ready?  Set!  Go go go!  GUESS THE MYSTERY THING!



  1. woo hoo.. I'm first, popping the cherry on this one baby!

    that is so definitely a periscope for Barbie's submarine, built during her Goth period no doubt!

    and the birds are from the wedding cake topper, you know from that short lived marriage to asexual Ken....doesn't matter how cutting a thread he dances or dresses, the boy just couldn't keep her happy ;p

  2. The lid to a crayola marker?

  3. While working on the toilet, Iddie reached down and found a small piece of black plumber's tubing inside blocking the opening. She began to wonder why would Howdie put it there. Was it her surprise Christmas present? Was there a diamond necklace inside? Was there a piece of cheese? She licked her hand, and ran them through her long beautiful whiskers and went off to look at her lovely mousey face in the mirror.

  4. it's a totally tubular lopped-off pennywhistle right? it makes the prettiest perch for your birdie!

  5. I know this! It's the tube that doggy poop bags are rolled up on!

  6. the stick of a miniature broom , ????

  7. It kind looks like the piece of plastic inside the rolls of register tape. Obviously I worked in retail too long!

    I like the dangly one though, it's cute! I could see how it might take the right outfit to wear though. Plus, I love anything with a bird on it!

  8. Awfully hard to top the answers so far..such imagination..I'm thinking black sipping straw sold for Halloween parties, but would it support the dangles? Whitney B's cash register roll seems a good bet. Rolling on the floor laughing at Periwinkle's. Funniest comment ever on the blog. Still trying to figure out how you attached the dangles from the hollow tube. Hmmm...

  9. SOmeone already beat me to it, but I'm fairly sure it's the plastic tube that dog-poop bags are wrapped around (for the little dispensers that are attached to leashes).

    Cute necklace!

  10. Ah, so that's what happened! I was wondering why I keep seeing store signs with missing letter segments. You must have taken the lighting rods out and painted them black!

    Such as WA_-MART. Everyone there is such a crybaby.

  11. Well I think its drainpipe for a faerie's house. or maybe the cover for a "personal nose hair trimmer" (as seen on TV)

  12. The obvious answer would be a wooden perch for a birdcage that's been painted black, but that's too easy. I've narrowed it down to a tampon inserter thingy (painted black), a tinkertoy piece (painted black), or the inside barrel of a ballpoint pen ( painted black if needed,of course.) How'd I do? : )

  13. I am thinking also a barrel to a pen.
    esterling1923 at gmail dot com

  14. One of the modern tinker toy connecter pieces? Whadda they call them nowadays... K'Nex?

    Or Lego Harry Potter's wand? :)

  15. I can't believe that crochets4preemies came up with my tampon answer. I was going to say it was part of the special Halloween promotional pack.

  16. Why I can't find the "LIKE" button? I love some many above guesses!'s a's a Chinese bamboo paint brush's a's a mistery!

  17. I think it might be plastic tubing for aquarium pumps & filtration systems. Don't know how you made it black....(but that wasn't the question)Someone needs to clean their fish tank LOL!

  18. I think the plastic that cover electric wires:-)

  19. Love the answers so far! Have you been under the hood of a car again??? It looks like part of a small black hose found under the hood of a car to part A to part B.

    Of course, it could be the heel off your black pumps, when the heel came off one shoe, you just decided to recycle the other shoe too! Good idea.

  20. I believe it is specifically one of the black straws that has the adorable dangling skeletons from the Halloween section at the Dollar Store. I think it is because I have one sitting on my counter as I type this and it looks very similar to your creation.

  21. Looks like a black straw cut smaller with holes punched in the ends.
    I love the necklace :)

  22. I can't wait for the answer to this mystery upcycle. Winning it is a pipe dream.

  23. Oh.... these ones look so sweet!

    Mh... what could be black stuff be...?

    I am also a little bit worried you got under your car and took this stuff out from there... or maybe a little bit from the line of your gas oven? Or the protective sheet from your electrical wires...?

  24. Oh how I heart Portlandia :) I'll put a bird on it any day!

    About the black thing --I'm guessing it's a magic marker carcass. Yeah, that's it!

  25. siobhan richards @ taraluvswillow@hotmail.comOctober 21, 2011 at 9:30 AM

    I think it's the inner tubing from a dryglue, like pritt stick that has been cleaned and holes punched in the ends.

  26. It's one of those fashionable tampon inserts! You know, from the coloured box! Totally is. ['Cause I'm totally right.]

  27. Mich here! I am ending the game at this point - NO MORE GUESSES, PLEASE. Thanks for playing, all! Reveal coming very soon.

  28. Had to change my teller tape today, and I kept the plastic thingie. The plastic thingie from adding machine tape is a different size (may even be a different color). I'm going to ask the other tellers to save me their plastic spool thingies so I can make some goodies. Thanks so much for making this my new favorite blog. My family won't thank you, but I DO!
