
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Mystery Thing Revealed: is there an Ickthyologist in the house?

Time to reveal the freaky answer to the question "What the heck was that dang Mystery Thing that looked like fishlips, in Mich's most recent Guess the Mystery Thing challenge?"

Before the reveal, let's salute some of the funniest attempts to answer.  Here are this week's Honorable Mentions for Most Creative (Completely Wrong) Guesses:

Alex: half of the plastic body of a clicker for dog-training.
June: the key to Blueberry Muffin's secret hideaway.
Dena: dessicated fish faces sold to seagulls to use to flip shells to find treats.
Terri: eye of newt.  (Totally could be!)
Anne P: mini-DVDs with all of your secrets to making crafts.
Jessi: the little blue toilet cleaner cake from a garden gnome's bathroom.


Okay, let's find out the answer...

As I predicted, nobody guessed it - it was far too obscure.  So obscure, in fact, that even I don't know what the mystery thing is!

Okay, okay - not totally fair.  But this is my blog, dang it. And you guys keep on guessing my mysteries!  I had to throw in at least one impossible game.  The backstory: my bloggy friend Ruth, aka upcycled jewelry girl, aka PeriwinkleDzyns, has some kind of nefarious connection to an industrial vehicle factory.  She sent me a bag of rejected electronic parts from a tractor dashboard.

The little blue fishlips (what, that's not a technical term?) are officially designated as Part #1/2075.  And they were rejected because of PDMG.  I mean, isn't it obvious?  (PDMG = Pretty Darn Mysterious Goodies.)

Yup.  I'm sure you are all completely enlightened now.  (So could someone enlighten me?)  Thanks for the cool inspiration, Ruth!

Winners.  (Side note: some clever person said electronic parts, and I would have gone with that as the closest guess.  But that person didn't include an email - which, as you know, is literally the only rule for entering.)  So congrats to Terri and  bethwalker07, this week's two random winners as chosen by!  Yay!  Look for an email from me anon.

Okay, my friends, gotta run - thanks as always for playing!

Oh, and just so you won't hate time, I promise the Mystery Thing will be something of which we all have actually heard!



  1. amazing, would never have guessed!

  2. I loved all the creative responses!
    Specifically they go underneath knobs and turn a switch on and off ;)
    and as to what pdmg means, I know but I'ld have to kill you if I told you...
    but seriously Michelle's guess is way more awesome than the actual
    it means damaged by production
    p=production, dmg=damage

    thanks for playing Michelle, you are so creative!!!!

  3. Ha! The biggest mystery yet! Love it!!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  4. I have spent too much time combining *NOT* to know the answer! Good for you. I have to go craft supply hunting at the feed store more often.

  5. Hihi! That was a good one (although I missed it *sniff*)! :)

  6. I'm not an ichthyologist, but I *am* an ichthyophobe. Does that count?

  7. That was good - we were ALL wrong, although I love the honorable mentions (even me!!). We love to guess and find potentials, especially for the small pieces. love the fish face. you did stump us on this one, even warning us it wasn't from the dollar store. Keep 'em coming. We do love them!!!

  8. OMG! That was the other thing I thought of, but I asked myself, what would Michelle be doing with a rejected switch turner-onner/offer?? It MUST be the dessicated fish! *sigh* Next time I'll just go with my gut. :-)

  9. You're too cute! Can't believe you hardly knew what you were crafting with, hee hee. It was fun nonetheless AS ALWAYS!!!

  10. I love the mystery thingies game. I wish I could play it every day!

  11. hmm,,interesting..i think this mystery was the real mystery..a tough one but you rock in confusing us :) as usual..
    thanks !!
