
Friday, August 5, 2011


See this cute toy car?  It was a 'pwesent' from my 4-year-old nephew.

It flew home with me from Seattle, and I love it so very much.  (It was one of his favorite things; I tried to suggest he keep it for me until my next visit, but he insisted.  Because it was a pwesent!)

So here's the lighthearted project that has become a new favorite jewel of mine.  Perhaps not for will depend on your tolerance for shenanigans in jewelry making.

I threaded a thrift store chain through the natural gaps beside Lightning McQueen's rear axle, like so:

Hee hee!  Hot Wheels necklace!

I know what some of you are thinking.  That looks silly.  Who would wear that?  Clunky.  Not a viable piece of jewelry.

I beg to differ.

If you indulge in similar shenanigans, I think you'll be delighted by how pretty, happy and easy to wear it is!

And - bonus! - you will become instantly irresistible to every male between the ages of zero and forty-seven.

(Thanks for my pwesent, Eli!  Love, Auntie Bah)


  1. Absolutely "Vroom"...Silly to have a car hanging on your neck? Hmm...Mei Mei hang the fishy purse to school and outings ...I bet Eli might want the car back after seeing your pictures!

  2. Frankly, I think it's awesome...I think it will start a trend! It's a great way to show off your super "pwesent"!

  3. That's the sweetest pwesent an Auntie Bah could ever receive. I'm sure Eli knew you'd be doing something fabulous with his prized car.
    Will I be hearing about your shenanigans on the world news? You're too funny.

  4. Get out of here with your ridiculously adorable nephew! Is that the cutest thing ever? How thoughtful of him to give you one of his favorite things. If value was based on intent that necklace would be worth more than diamonds :)

    Ohhhhhhhhh....I can't wait for my nice to get old enough to give me something I can hang on the fridge!

  5. Oh how sweet and I hope he sees your picture!

  6. Awww that was so sweet of your nephew ! I think it's brilliant to wear it as a necklace. I hope you sent him a pic!

  7. How generous a gift! Have you ever given your favorite thing to anyone? I haven't either. We can learn alot from kids... if we are wise enough. Thanks for the reminder.

    I love how it turned out as a necklace, but I'll bet he gave it to you to play with. You may have to explain that now you have it with you where ever you go.

    How did you get to be Auntie "Bah"? There is a story there, I'll bet.


  8. MWAH!!! Our wee 4 year old smurf (well, HIS smurf, my step- smurf) adores "cars", too! But he would not willingly give them up, ever. The 8 yo smurfette is far more generous- she gave me a Hello Kitty figurine to take to work and look at when I need cheering up. Boy, has this kitty been looked at... it's all looked out.
    I love you for making a necklace out of the car, Mich, I couldn't love you any more than I do right now. Because when the smurfs go back home again tomorrow I shall steal a wee toy of each of them (it's amazing, they are like avalanches of toys leaving plastic debris in their wake!) and make some keepsakes to carry with me safely. That battery- operated wiggly centipede has my name written all over it!!

  9. OH that is brilliant! My younger daughter went through a HUGE lightening phase a couple of years ago - but I think all our cars stuff has now been passed on - I was quite sad when she didn't want to go and see the new movie when it came out in the cinema! Now I have to wait for it to come on TV in a few years time! (or maybe I'll rent it from the video shop one day when everyone's out at school and I can watch it in secret!!)

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  10. Just wanted to let you know too that I've passed an award on to you!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  11. Super cute way to remember your nephew. I wonder how I would look with a toy monster truck around my neck...? LOL

    Carmen @

  12. Hey my dear, i think its the maximum awesome present you have ever received..isnt it??
    its cute idea specially it can also be gifted to any kid as a toy jewelry :)

    well the kidos are always lovely, i was having lots of fun previous month with my on vacation nephews & niece :)

  13. LOVE IT! As good as wearing the macaroni necklaces, isn't it???

  14. What a sweet gift from your nephew. Children can be so generous.

    Like how you added your style to it.

  15. Goodness, your nephew is a rare one! I'd be wearing his prized possession around my neck too if I'd been so lucky to receive such a thing. That pic of you is priceless Michelle! Thanks for modelling your latest creation for us. You're so sweet!

  16. Hee heeeeeeeeee, I love it, and I'd totally wear it. What a cute memento.

  17. Super cute idea! I treasure all my gifts whether it is a coin or a ribbon. This is a great idea to keep with you always. You are so sweet.

  18. I bet it does make an absolutely irresistible attraction for little boys!! :)

  19. This is so nice. I haven't seen before this. Thanks for sharing.

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