
Monday, June 13, 2011

Make Silicone Cheerios! (What? Stop Looking At Me Like That.)

What can you make with a garishly neon, glitter-infused, squooshy silicone pencil grip from the dollar store?

Um, how about these?


Wanna make some?  Here's the super simple tutorial!

First, snip your pencil grips into a bunch of little Cheerios.  Keep 'em away from kids younger than three, because these things look delicious!

Stuff a cute bead inside a silicone Cheerio.  (Choose one about the same size as the hole; if stretched too much, the silicone might eventually split.)  Then simply poke a headpin through the whole shebang.

Fold the headpin down tight and snip off any excess.  Then turn a loop at the top.  (Simple loop instructions here.)

That's it!  A cheery silicone Cheerio charm.  Make a whole bowlful, and create with wild abandon.

As with real Cheerios, turns out I like pretty much anything stuffed inside a silicone one.  But here is my favorite recipe...

I love these so much, I want to marry them.  I've owned these delicate shells for ages, but always considered them too fragile for bracelets, which get knocked around a lot.

But with silicone Cheerios, fragile beads now have their own bumpers.  If you drop one - it bounces.  And that's just plain funny, over and over.

I am easily amused.


  1. Love It!! I knew whatever you did with those, it would be fabulous!

  2. Wonderful! I knew you'd find something amazing to do with them!

  3. Your favourite is my favourite too. Little worldly treasures in each one.

  4. I want one in each flavor. They even change shape and stretch. This is my new Mich favorite creation. Oh yes, I love that bracelet!!

  5. Fantastic bumper beads!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  6. Pure GENIOUS!
    (Did I spell that right??)

    I have to try this.
    Right now.

  7. Those are just soo cute! My favorites are the pink and gold ones. I love how you think of these great things :)

  8. They do look delicious, kinda like Life-Savers candy! I want to eat all your jewelry today. Is that wrong?

  9. Fun, fun, fun...I wish I knew how your brain worked - I wanna be that creative...

    I especially like the seashell bumpers... :)

  10. Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!
    All of a sudden, I wish I was a woman....

  11. You're a genius... I've seen those pencil grips so far but be sure, I'll buy them if they happen to cross my way. =)

  12. brilliant, just brilliant.....I'd love to see these in great quantities, like as a beaded door curtain! thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!

  13. brilliant, just brilliant.....I'd love to see these in great quantities, like as a beaded door curtain! thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!

  14. very very cute...its amazing how you can take anything and turn them into such beautiful pieces of have got what people call a good eye..;)

  15. is amazing you always surprise me!!!!

  16. Wow!! This is so easy and so CUTE!!
    Thank you for the lovely tutorial!!

  17. And they have so cool and bright colours...! I like the slight transparency the silicon has :)

    Hihi... I think I couldn't stop trying to get the little rings just over everything in reach ^^ They are cool!

  18. Love it! I now have to get myself to a store so I can do this too! Love the vibrant colors..been drawn to those lately..guess I need more color in my life right now :)

  19. Again, you, with the genius thing, knock it off. You're making the rest of us look bad!

    (PS: LOVE THIS.)

  20. These are great and fun. I am linking to them tomorrow on DSC!

    Thank you for all your friendly comments on my various sites. You are so kind! xoxo


  21. This is great Michele! The silicone rings just add so much cheer and charm. One question - did you have to heat the head pin to pierce the ring, or was it soft enough to not require heating?

    Good idea with the shells, by the way.

    Now I think I'll have to go pick up some of these grips, if you don't mind.

  22. i LOVE your enthusiasm and brilliance. and that you called them Cheerios cuz that immediately explains the whole thing!

    i've got some of those grips, along with poster putty, to improve the ergonomics of my crochet hooks, but this looks like more fun!

  23. Hey its you think about this interesting doubt awesome!!
    Lots of Love from ~ K.K ~

  24. I love how you look at random things and make them super awesome!!

  25. I bow to your crafty genius. These are gorgeous!

  26. So pretty...and look delish too!!! Your arts are pretty to wear, nice to hold...and always make me feel happy just by looking at them... Love, PC

  27. WOW! I never would've guessed that's what they are from. And so much cheaper than buyign beading supplies to get the same effect! I LOVE IT!!! I need to visit the Dollar store asap!!

  28. Fabulous idea! How clever you are! Thanks! : )


    i love this! might be this weekends DIY? :) YES please

  30. Oh my gosh, I just discovered your blog a few days ago, and I must say that this idea is genius. I wonder if you made a small row of these as earrings you could make them do a Newton's Cradle when you move? *is a nerd*

  31. This is clever!!! your one smart cookie!and a inventive artisan.I think you should copyright your designs.

  32. I like this blog very much.Thanks for sharing such a valuable information.

  33. So cute! What a clever idea. I have some small delicate beads that would be perfect for this project. I've never seen the pencil grips, but then I was never looking for them! LOL

  34. Mich, you're a genius!

  35. Madam, this time you have truly outdone yourself. I am enthralled.
