
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Found-Object Fun!

Hi, guys!  Today, a nifty upcycled jewelry tutorial for using cute found objects to spice up a basic pendant.  Like so:

Like them?  Ready to see how simple?  Okay, here goes!

First, find objects.  I found these objects at the dollar store:

And these in a fabric shop:

Match an object with a pendant.  That's the fun part!  Play and experiment.

Your other needs: a headpin, a small bead and a jump ring.

Make two holes in your found object.  One at the top, one vaguely in the center.  Depending on the material, try a pushpin, hammer & nail, a hot needle (for melting holes in hard plastic) or a drill.

Once you have two holes, stack everything on the headpin, using the found object's center hole.  Then fold the headpin flat against the back of the pendant and trim it short.

Turn a teeny loop in back to hold everything together.  Then add a jump ring to the top...

Voi.  La.

Some variations I love: try doubling your found objects for double the cute!  And my absolute favorite - if you make a hole off to one side of a leaf, it hangs in a cool, natural-looking sideways orientation.

And how about earrings?  Lookee these, which I have restyled from a pair of very clunky 1970's clip-ons:

Okay, peeps, that there is the basic idea.  Your results will depend on serendipity.  Go out into the world, find some objects and give it a try!


  1. oh!! where's the like button when you really need it

  2. They are all so cool and sweet...! I am really in love with the butterfly wings... just the use of a single one adds a perfect touch :)

    (...and I love to take any strange stuff with me too ^^)

  3. I love your tutorials... even though I know the techniques, you teach me something every single time. Like the use of solo butterfly wings (I know, it sounds odd, but the single wing is stunning whereas the whole butterfly would have been awful... do I make any sense?)
    Ah, I just love you! :)

  4. Those pulled-apart butterfly wings make exquisite found objects as do the birdies and double-cute flowers. Your vision is so artistic and refreshing, Michelle. Thanks for that!

  5. You have a very whimsical eye and I love it!

  6. always so out of the world...only alien can tell what words to describe your art...but I'll say in Malay words..canggih (extraordinary), cantik (beautiful), comel (cute)!

  7. Lovely jewelry! I love the red one and the brown one with the green leaves.

  8. I love the pink butterfly ones the are so funkalicious. :-)
