
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Mystery Thing Revealed! Winners! And Rumpleflower Tutorial.

Drumroll, please - I'm about to reveal the answer to one of life's small mysteries!  You have all spent the last few days trying to guess the identity of this rumpled blue flower:

Let's call it a Rumpleflower.  Look, it has some friends:

What are they?  Well, I'll tell ya...


Inside-out "cubes" from silicone ice cube trays.  From the dollar store.  Fun, eh?

Time to reveal the winners - plus my favorite wrong guesses, and a tutorial for making your own rubber Rumpleflower.

Winners.  Impressively, a couple of people guessed right.  Monica got in first, clever thing.  I need to watch out for Monica, this is her second win.  I used to pick my other winner, Centi. Congrats to both, I will email you guys soon.

Mich's Honor Roll of Hilarious (Wrong) Guesses:
Cara: the collar from a creepy clown head cupcake topper.
Michele: masticated blue chewing gum.
Betsy: a blueberry wonton.
Joni: reclaimed material from an abandoned Smurf house.
Centi: a blue rubber elephant ear.
Sunny: melted Smurf hide
Divya: the skin of a friendly alien who came to see my jellyfish tassels.

Wow.  Apparently, you guys think I kill and skin every cute, magical little creature I find in my garden.  Well, I don't.  Not EVERY one.

Tutorial?  Seriously, you can make this flower in a minute.  1. Cut one "cube" from a silicone ice cube tray.   2. Flip the shape inside out.   3. Poke two holes with a pin or anything sharp.

4. Tie a knot in the center of a piece of ribbon or string.  5. Thread both ends through some beads, then through the silicone and a button. (Note: the button is optional, but is useful for stability.)  6. Tie off in back.

Yay!  Your flower is done!

Use the strings to tie it to any bracelet base.  To find the tutorial for this filigree jelly cuff, click here.

Different shaped silicone molds yield different shaped flowers...

You could also tie your flower to a headband, ponytail elastic or pin back.  Check out these little brooches:

Notice that the blue one is not inside-out; I think it's cute in this configuration too.

And so ends another Mystery Thing challenge.  Hope you liked it...and thanks SO MUCH for playing along.   See ya soon!


  1. Heyyyy,you are so clever...what to say more..!!
    but the flower is totally cute..interesting idea as well

  2. thanks to you my trips to the dollar store now take hours instead of the 20 minutes it used to take! everything is starting to look like jewelry!!

  3. woww this is really amazing!!!!
    You always surprise me:-D

  4. Congratulations to the winners. Would never have guessed in a million years what it was. Brilliant fun.

  5. Wrong again. Boo. One day, I tell you. One day I will be the victor. Just you wait.

  6. Your creativity knows no bounds! You are amazing!

  7. As Periwinkle says, my trip to the dollar stores take on new meanings now - with thoughts of WWMD? I never come close, but it is FUN! Still, we do come up with some clever fun ideas which keep us laughing and enjoying the game.

    Congrats to the winners!!!!!

  8. How on Earth do you come up with these things? I see an ice cube tray and I think "ice" or if I'm feeling wild "chocolate." lol That's awesome, Mich.

  9. Come on... seriously?? I couldn't even come up with a made- up thing this time, it completely beat me. I went back to the post time and again, only to be defeated. ICE CUBE TRAYS??? Mich, I don't know what medication you're on, but I want a prescription!

  10. is good to know that that a lot more people like me think you skin maginal creatures for
    seriously ice tray..??

  11. No, I don't believe it - I would never have guessed the ice cube trays and won with a guess involving a rubber toy that doesn't even exist in reality. As far as I know.
    I LOVE THIS BLOG!!! Thank so you very much!

    (sry bout the deleted comment above. That was me. Blogger puts in my old adress out of some reason today, and I thought that would be confusing)

  12. an then there are peole who can't spell their own name. I'll leave and hide now.

  13. Hi Mich, you're really creative! I love this design. Thanks for leaving a lovely comment on my scarf :-)
    Agy from Green Issues.

  14. How depressing I was going to say "Your creativity knows no bounds! You are amazing!" when I discovered that Finnley Mae said it.

    Can I second her?

  15. I did NOT see that coming! Quite ingenious of you to repurpose in that way, although your penchant for sticking holes in things with sharp, heated objects is starting to worry me.
