
Friday, May 20, 2011

The Mystery Thing Revealed! Someone Won an Octagon.

If you've been paying attention, for the past few days my readers and I have been playing one of my Mystery Thing guessing games.  I asked for guesses as to the identity of these interesting gray octagons:

I was laughing my tush off at the entries this week.  You guys are too much!

Mich's Honor Roll of Completely Brilliant (Totally Wrong) Guesses:
Emma:  a ring used in medieval times to exact disciplinary action upon uber angsty teenagers
Saraccino: an essential part of a T-fighter
JennRose: miniature, portable Stargates.
Chrysty: lug nut off a Cardassian space junker.
SuzieQ: a filter for monkey coconut oil.
Ashes: a part from my sister's uncle's cousin's next door neighbor's time machine.
Centi: a special item designed by men to confuse women who try to deal with electricity on their own!
PricefamilyX6: bowel movements of a small companion robot designed by a lonely, evil mad genius.
Meijo's Joy: something you got from the dentist to hold your fake teeth when you sleep at night.
Michele: a defibresisting cappitellic martelibator for use in electrical devices to stop the current from traveling through a resistor and entering a capacitor. Easy.
Joni S: the missing part from the TARDIS that forces it to continue looking like a 1960's police phone box. 
DM: a stolen device that links firemen's pipes together , and now there's a flood in your neighbourhood. 
MissKoolAid: a spinal disc from a time-traveling robot.
Sunny: You know the copper pipe people in the incontinence commercials? I think one of them lost these in a wardrobe malfunction. 
Terri: a shock collar for a tiny robotic poodle.
Purky: the winding core from a giant clockwork steampunk scarab discovered in the temple of Anubis in the late 1800's. Luckily you have dissembled it into component pieces else it could have been used as a terrible weapon and taken over the world.
Emilysnan: the iron age prototype for the wheel, of course.
I would just like to say to Meijo's Joy: I'll have you know I keep my false teeth in a mod-podged tuna can.   Chrysty, it's actually closer to a lug nut off a Kardashian space junker, which is fueled by coconut tanning oil.  And Purky, I hope you're writing the screenplay, because I'd pay to see that movie!

Ready to see the answer?  Okay.  But I suspect most of you will be just as mystified as before.  I sure was.  Look at these intimidating critters:

What the...?  Apparently, they're battling tops for a game called Beyblade.  They spin and kill each other in a little tabletop arena.  And if you find some at a yard sale and take them apart...

Whee!  Exciting jewelry components!  All shapes and colors and sizes.   I could spend a month making nothing but oddly fetching, sweetly sci-fi Beyblade baubles.


Winners.  Who woulda thunk - the very first guess was correct.  Natalia has boys who showed her the light.  And chose my second winner, Ashes.  Congrats to you both, expect an email shortly.

Thanks for playing, you guys!  There'll be a new mystery coming along soon.


  1. I'm doing my Carlton-inspired happy winners dance!

  2. I wonder how Natalias boys think about this ^^

    How cool! :)

  3. The one with the red light in the middle reminds me a little bit of the Millennium Falcon

  4. LOVE IT!!! Yes, you just WANT to press that red button! Taking apart a toy, that is a new one for me. I'll have to look through the toy department now and try to dissect them. WOW. Good job winners. However, I always love the other answers too....

  5. HA! I'm going to show this to my son who will immediately hide his childhood collection of beyblades, the little toy hoarder.

  6. I guess I'm just completely out of the loop. Being a Grandma, it would be appropriate, I guess, but I don't like it one bit. What was that again? I've never heard of it. Guess I have to get out there an shop the rummage sales.
    The other day I was in Michaels... not so unusual, but the Pez dispencer display only had dispencers with "real" people's heads on them. I didn't know who these guys were. Santa, Bugs Bunny... these are "people" I know, but who are those guys on the PEZ now? Out of the loop, again Granny!

  7. Saraccino--lol, good question. I showed them, and they thought it was cool! My 12yo says he used to have that exact bright green toy. My 8yo asked if I could get the monkey necklace for him. But I'm thinking I'll choose one for myself ;).

  8. Wonderfu creations! They have such an edge :)

  9. oh, my boys would just love this jewelry too! thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday and injecting some of your brilliance into the party!

  10. I cannot believe someone actually guessed right! But the wrong guesses are soooo entertaining too!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  11. I should have recognized it! My son plays with those all the time. I've even seen him take them apart. Oh well, there's always next time.

  12. Tricky trickster, you! They do make some awesome jewelry don't they? I bet the kids would love this stuff too. Look at that! A whole new market!

  13. I knew that. Well, not really. The guesses are half the fun, second only to your fabulous creations.

  14. I thought I left a comment...waiter, more wine!

    This one had me totally stumped. Good job in once again making the weirdest stuff into cool jewelry!

  15. My necklace came in the mail this morning! It is even cuter in person.

  16. Hey Michelle, where did you get the monkey charm from?

  17. Michelle, I finally to around to making one of these. I made it with a Strawberry Shortcake charm that I saved like forever from when I was little. Super duper fun!

    1. Ha! No way, that was a thousand years ago. I see you are a hoarder just like me. The Strawberry Shortcake memento sounds perfect, too cute with the industrial pendant.

    2. Hehehehee! Yeah I wore it into Home Depot and a little boy looked at me like "Hey you are really too old to wear that." I know, I was surprised that I held onto it (SS) so long. I also made the one out of the rattle with a big owl bead. I love cheap crafts and I cannot lie.
