
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In which Mich gets overexcited at the hardware store.

This is silly, but I am particularly excited about this post.  I found something really fun at the hardware store today, and came up with what I think is a cool upcycle.

Check out this bracelet with its strange-looking "clasp."

What the?

It's a spring for holding window screens into their frames.  I saw one and suddenly thought, "What if I could make a springy connector to take the place of a clasp?"  By Jove, I could!

Want to see how?  I warn you, it's fiendishly simple.

String big beads on some hefty wire.  Make a small loop on each end, then curve into a bangle shape.

Open the loops just enough to admit the spring ends, then swivel them closed.

BOOM!  Your bracelet is done!  Now watch this...

See?  It s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s to admit your hand, then springs back into shape.  A perfectly fitted bangle.  Already I'm happy!  (Note: for anyone wondering if the spring will pull out your arm hairs, no, it won't.  Unless you want it to.)  But no need to stop there.  You can add oddments and danglies.

I made this amber one with big linked beads:

Another idea: give a beaded watchband a perfect fit without using stretch elastic, which can be unreliable.

What do you guys think?  Okay, sure, it looks bizarre.  But it's so practical and fun!  Am I nuts, or is this a good one?

Anyway, it was good for me.


  1. It was good for me too. Time for a cigarette. Oh wait, I don't smoke. I guess chocolate will have to do. :)

  2. woww I love them!!! is a really nice idea, you are a genius!!!

  3. AAAAAhhhh..this is such a 'wick' idea! Love it! I thought about the watch before see the lower part of the post..This is awesome!

  4. fantastic and the fit looks really great..a stretch bracelet without any ugly elastic cool is that..btw did you take a look at the giveawy I am running currently?

  5. Wonderfull idea! I'm really going to try this.

  6. It's only wierd 'cause it's new. I hope it catches on & then maybe we can have bracelets that actually stay on.

  7. Heyy i love all these bracelets, are so smart,beads are really nice.
    by the way the wrist watch is soooooper doooper it

  8. I don't think it looks bizarre at all, I think it looks decidedly cool! Particularly with the chunky beads. The watch is my favourite, and I'm pretty sure you're onto something there!

  9. I don't see anything bizarre about it. It's amazingly cool & functional! I really really REALLY love the watch. I need to make one.

  10. What a wickedly awesome idea! I am in awe......just amazed.

  11. !!!MEEEEP!!! You are a genius! Window springs, huh? Who knew? They look fab but this really is practical too --I love chunky bracelets but they are annoying if they knock around too much --this is the perfect solution. Way to go smarty pants!

  12. Well hardware store here I come. I love the whole concept. And that watch is awesome. I really like how you add that little extra bling on the spring too.

  13. it's awesome! another one to add to the shopping list for the hardware store

  14. FANTASTIC idea -- fits right in with the large beads!

  15. I'd say it's a good one. Looks good, feels good, what else do you need!

  16. That's a seriously awesome idea. :-)

  17. You are a jewelry genius! Love your hardware solution.

  18. No, you are not nuts...just a creative genius. Whodathunk a springy thingy could be so useful?

  19. its just fab ,love the colours , very springy looking

  20. It looks chunky and delicious- you know I'm a sucker for a hardware hack.

    That green bracelet is just gorgeous.

  21. Yet another way to totally perplex the Home Depot guys who are always trying to help me! GENIUS! Just ab fab my friend!

  22. Nope - definitely not nuts - because that would then make lots of us nuts too for loving this - and of course we aren't!!

    LOVE that watch band! Fabulous idea!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  23. Using that spring is a great idea! It makes it cute and unique too! I'd love for you to come link up at DIY Thrifty Thursday at

    Thrifty 101

  24. Insanely brilliant! Off to share on Facebook and Twitter!

  25. I'm not that much into making jewelry but this is really cool. I had a about spray painting the springs with Rustoleum paint? That way you could have different color springs. You could even make a bracelet of just springs! Ooooh, I feel creativity sneaking up on me!

  26. This idea is truly creative and practical! Thank you for sharing this with us. I have used the springs from a broken IKEA lamp for a small bead loom with great success too.

  27. "It won't pull out your arm hairs...unless you want it to"...ROFL! So then this can double up as hair remover as well! ;)

  28. you are so talented! so creative and full of weird ideas but cute and unique.
