
Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Mystery Thing Revealed! Winners! And Flower Dome Tutorial.

Hi!  Way back on Tuesday, I posted a Mystery Thing guessing game, in which I asked people to name that dome:

Well, it was not my intention to make you guys wait so long to see the answer, but on the spur of the moment I was whisked away on a camping trip to Joshua Tree National Park, and spent the week communing with desert tortoises, giant hares and tiny vanilla lizards impersonating twigs.

I made up the name Vanilla Lizard.  Nobody take it, I am thinking of starting a band.

I am happy to report, a couple of clever readers guessed this Mystery Thing, so we have a winner!  It is Monica, the first one to guess:

Plastic rattle party favors from the dollar store!  Congrats and a half, Monica!  We also have two random winners, chosen by's lucky integer spitter.  It spit out numbers 10 and 27, so congrats to MissKoolAid and Daffy's Dream.  I will email all of you soon. 

Of course, I am the real winner in this game.  Because you weirdos, er, people, have me in whoops every time.  I hereby introduce a brand new feature:

Mich's Best (Wrong!) Guesses Honor Roll

Annie: Barbie's salad bowl
Periwinkle Dzyns: pasties for a cosmic cow
Betsy: rock candy crystal from Ming Dynasty molds
Saraccino: lollipop safety storage
Allison: half a teeny tiny hamster exercise ball
Michele: particle accelerator buttons, because if you were accelerating particles all day, wouldn't you like some lovely buttons to press?
Just Jaymie: ta-ta covers
Sarah: party yarmulkes for a Ken doll
Anji: fairy jello molds
Pete: a gamer's 100-sided die cover (Pete gets style points for including a jpeg!)
Chrysty: My Little Pony contact lenses
Sunny: a wicked uncomfortable diaphragm

HEEEhahaha!  Brilliance!

Now on to a tutorial.

Place your rattle in a plastic bag, unless you truly want the rattly bits scattered ALL over your floor.  Whack the edge lightly with a hammer.  The pieces will pop apart like magic!  Now you have a pink dome and a crystal dome with which to play.

Heat a metal poker and melt two holes in the dome, top and bottom.  Insert an eyepin (a wire with a loop on one end), and feed in some beads to fill the space.  Turn another little loop with the extra wire that pokes out the other side.  Like so:

Attach any tassel or dangly thing to the bottom loop, and a jump ring to the top loop.  String onto a chain, ribbon or neckwire.  Done!  Cute, right?

For an opaque pink version, I made two holes at the top, one at the bottom.  And used a single piece of wire for the top loops.

And there you have it!  Another Mystery solved - another cool jewel born of the dollar store.

Thanks for playing, lovely blog readers!  And wait'll you see what else I'm going to make with these domes.


  1. I am so excited to get one of these cool necklaces in the mail. Thanks for the possibility.

  2. are so clever dear Mich..well what i can say more :)
    keep rocking with your mysteries

  3. Congratulations to the winners!!! And what cool comments by everyone else. They keep us smiling and laughing. This is always a fun game and you keep us guessing. And what you create out of a rattle, well, it is beautiful!

  4. Please let us all know when Vanilla Lizard makes its debut; I want a front row seat.
    Little rattles, how cute! I was reading the Dollar Store flyer from the paper today. I just can't look at their stuff without thinking of you:)

  5. someone actually got the actual real actual answer? well i'm beyond impressed! congrats to the correct guessers! go yous!

    and Michelle you are so resourceful and have such a good eye for spotting the potential of things... you never cease to amaze me! go you!

    i like the new added feature by the way, so fun!

  6. booyah! another great context Michele - and all the funny answers had me in stitches too

  7. Just saw my name in ur website, Im all excited thank you so much huh!

  8. Vanilla lizard??? Bwahahahahaha!

    I never would have guessed this was made from a rattle- VERY cool!

  9. Those are perfectly spring-y and cute. Love the little tassles!!

  10. DAMMIT!!! I had a proper long comment written up, and then blogger tells me it can't cope with my meek request. Long story short- LOVE the suggestions, ADORE the original idea and need my keyboard fixed after accidental liquid damage. x

  11. I love that you added a list of the guesses. They're all creative and hilarious at the same time.

  12. Oh I'm constantly amazed at everyone's creativity! Yours for all the incredible things you make out of absolutely everything -and everyone else's for such interesting guesses!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  13. :) Looking forward to the next mystery challenge!

    (I could have sworn those were fairy jello molds you know ;)

  14. "Now you have a pink dome and a crystal dome with which to play."

    Not to mention, a cute teeny tiny bubble blower!

  15. Platic rattle, hilariously small and adorable, even better as a necklace! Thank you for linking up to Ucycled Awesome at

  16. That is so,so neat!!!! I wouldn't have thought of that in a million years!!! You are extremely creative!!!

  17. That's really cute and playful- I love it! Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be linking.

  18. That is such a nifty project.

  19. I'm honored to be on the honor roll. :) Thanks for keeping us guessing!

  20. You are very creative and you come up with things that I would never think of! I love reading your blog and I plan on making the baby rattle favor necklace. Very pretty. I wanted to ask if you knew what to do with tulle (I have a lot of of it on a bolt leftover from my wedding) and those pearls on a spool I was also wondering if you would be interested in trading some items for stashbust? If you get a chance check out my blog, with lots of goodies to trade.
    Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day :O)
