
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Guess the Mystery Thing: Translucent Discus! Discuss.

Ready?  Here comes another episode of that popular giveaway game, Guess the Mystery Thing and Win One Because If You Do You Could Give It To Someone For Mother's Day Although It Will Probably Be A Slightly Belated Mother's Day Gift Since the Likelihood of Mich Getting It To You By Next Sunday Is Not Great But Even a Late Gift Is Better Than None So Go Ahead and Try For It!

Guess the Mystery Thing for short.

So!  Regular followers of my upcycled jewelry projects know I love me some translucent plastic.  Look, I found some more!  And made this...

What is that translucent disc?  Here's a version in green and poiple:

There will be two winners: first correct guess and one random guess.  If nobody gets it, there will be two random winners.  So even if you're stumped, guess anyway, you could still win.  (The crazier the guess, the better!)

The rules:

1. Open to anyone, anywhere.  (You don't even have to be a follower of the blog, although I would lurve it if you were!)
2. If your email isn't available in one click from an online profile, be sure to include your email address with your guess.

Okay, people...I know somebody is going to get this.  No hint this time.  Here goes...

Guess the Mystery Thing!!!!



  1. Are they those plastic child safety outlet cover things that you plug in the outlet? Ex: Safety 1st

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Its a frisbee for a tiny hairy troll.

  4. They are obviously contact lenses for unicorns.
    I know that common lore has it that unicorns are friendly, amazing creatures full of mystery and charm.
    HA! Couldn't be more wrong.
    D'you think they carry a horn for no reason? Those beasties are 99% aggression and 1% confusion (from constantly trying to focus on the tip of that horn, not nice, I can tell ya!)
    So in order to hide their crazed, blood- shot eyes from the general public and give themselves an air of normality, they resort to wearing contact lenses, preferably with pretty flowers or other embellishments on them, so as to walk straight into an unsuspecting and adoring group of awestruck people and make shashlik out of them!!

  5. its a round thing from a plastic file with the string. this round thing hold the string so that the plastic file can be closed.

  6. um. they look like nipple shields (that you nurse baby's with) the kind for babies that have a hard time latching on. my sister had to use one. and that's what i instantly thought of *lol*

  7. Mh... the plastic inside of bottle caps?

    I like the shiny border! :)

  8. Those suction cup thingies you stick in your shower?

  9. Well, I know I won't be first to guess it, but I'd say the inside of a bottle cap. Where do you get your colored ball chains? They're so neat with your wonderful creations.

  10. I think they are buttons, but I'm not the first who thinks this:-(
    They are beautiful, I love the black one!!!!

  11. A tiny coaster?

  12. They are the plastic drawer pulls from the small pastic drawers they sell in the organizer section.

    My guess anyway.

    chrysty AT gmail DOT com

  13. I believe that they're the little plastic thingies off the bottom of chair legs(not sure of their official title). At least that's the best I could come up with. My husband thinks that they're the little plastic things from under the bottom of bottle tops. Not sure if my name links to my email or whatever so if by some small miracle I'm right my email is laceyj1204 at gmail dot com

  14. I would think something that stops the flow of water in a pipe - like a toilet or under a sink. I wouldn't know the term, or how to use it, which is why I can't use my leaky kitchen sink, until my husband returns from deployment next week to fix it. Boo...
    brimaray at hotmail dot com

  15. My guess was a suction cup, but someone beat me to it. Cool necklaces, btw.

  16. Buttons and plastic bottle parts were my first instincts as well, but since they've already been guessed, I'm going with your imaginary friend's pocket change.

    abrowning_504 at

  17. I'd say the inside of a bottle cap.:)
    Look so cute!!

  18. by the way, my email address is

  19. My guess was the scratch protector things off the bottoms of chair legs (I don't actually know what they're called either...), but alas, somebody beat me to it.

  20. Did you steal two of the plates off William and Kate's tea set given to them for their marriage??? It almost looks like glass...and if you snuck it out just right, with a little help from the inside, it might not be missed. GOOD JOB, MICH!!!! Beautiful job decorating them. You could wear them to the wedding.

    Do you have a hat to match???

  21. really i have NO idea..hahaha
    well i wish somebody guess well soon..hmmm

  22. I think it looks like the little plastic thing that was covering the bone on the ham that I cooked for Easter.

  23. They look like rollers of some kind, like you might find on pull-out drawers... They look oddly familiar but that's the closest I can come to identifying them.

  24. A spool cover? The thingy that holds the spool of thread on the spindle of your sewing machine.

  25. Could they be those thingies you put on the bottom of furniture before you move it around to make it easier on your back to move it around?

  26. They appear to be rice hats discarded by leprechauns. The wee folk must have ordered a large batch only to find the manufacturers had mistakenly made them translucent- how could that possibly protect them from the sun's harmful rays (Leprechauns are sunburnt quite easily you know). They must have scrapped the useless toppers and left them at your doorstep.

  27. Hi, everybody, Mich here. I am cutting off the guesses at this point - NO MORE GUESSES, PLEASE. Winners will be announced in my next post. Thanks so much for playing!
