
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Guess the Mystery Thing: Salmon Totem Locket.

Hey!  In case you're visiting for the first time, aren't you clever?  Because you're just in time for a giveaway.  Not your ordinary giveaway, though.  You will have to work for this one.  Ready?  Check this out...

Okay, people, it's time once again for that very popular challenge game, Guess the Mystery Thing and Win Because It's Cool and Green and Tribal and You Want It But Also Because Mich Thinks She May Stump You This Time and You Really Need to Open Up a Can of " I Know the Mystery Thing!" On Her.

Guess the Mystery Thing for short.

Here are some translucent green pendants, featuring a Pacific Northwest tribal salmon design:

They open up like a locket.  Use for teeny totems, spiritual objects or pictures of your pug, Snurfles Von Smooshyface.

So you know the drill.  What is that mysterious green thing?  Be specific...or be creative.

There will be two winners: first correct guess and most creative guess, to be chosen by moi.

If nobody gets it right, there will be a random winner chosen by my Patented High-Tech Cutting-Edge Randomizer Program (my mom picks a number).  So even if you're stumped, definitely take a guess anyway, you could still win!

The rules:

1. Open to anyone, anywhere.  (You don't even have to be a follower of the blog, although I would lurve it if you were!)
2. If your email isn't available to me in one click from an online profile, be sure to include your email address with your guess.

Hint: you think I'm giving you people a hint this time?  No way!  You are too smart.  Okay, one tiny hint: it has instructions on it, in English, French and Spanish.

Okay, y'all - here we go.  Guess the Mystery Thing!!!



  1. I think they're ear plug cases!

  2. Very small fish paste sandwich box.....

  3. I think it is obvious it is a pet worm
    carrying case.

  4. I know. They're for carrying fish bait because you never know when you'll need to throw out a pole.

  5. Is it a case thingy to store your retainer in?

  6. A carrying case for a contact case - for the fish lover.

  7. Well... It's very fluorescenty green, innit? I think it's a Silly Putty container... And if he wished to keep it around his neck, I think it would ALSO work nicely as a Van Gogh ear-holder? Naturally...

  8. I am pretty sure this is an ear plug storage container!
    my email is

  9. Is it a hearing aid case? I've never seen one but it looks as if one could hold a hearing aid.

  10. It's an alien egg!

    xsandyxbeachx AT yahoo DOT come.

  11. my first though it ear plug holder but it looks almost too big for that. I'm officially stumped

  12. it's a goblin ear ornament holder. :D HAS to be.

  13. You've hollowed out some giant jelly beans!

  14. It's for people who have rubber ears that screw on and off so they can store them at night next to the cup with their false teeth and the jar with their glass eyes. LOL

  15. Well it is shaped like a bean, so it must be a bean case - to keep your snack bean in, you know like the fruit shaped cases you can get for your fruit snacks - bananas, apples etc.

  16. Ocean sound preserver?
    I like Michele Pacey's guess of a "Van Gogh ear carrier."

  17. They are definitely holders for jelly beans, especially Bertie Botts every flavour beans - the ear wax ones are the best!

  18. ooops, something happened to my comment, so here it is again...
    It is a giant bean from Jack and The Beanstalk's garden. How did you get it without waking him up, LOL. Anyhooo, it is really nifty.


  19. My father, who is Mohawk, so he knows, says those are ancient and rare artifacts and must be returned to the Native American Museum. As curator, I will accept delivery.

  20. LOL Sunny!

    I think they are containers for corn plasters. They are adorned with salmons to make you feel extra- bad because salmons have no feet, hence no corns.


  21. I'm guessing a hearing aid battery carrying case. (And even if it isn't, I'm getting one for my mother to use for her batteries!!)

  22. My friend Heather Ruffalo used to have grandma that would keep her teeth in a case just like that, only it was red.

    I sort of hope you stole it from her. Then you can do something fun with the teeth next week!

  23. A pill tote? Like when you need to go somewhere and your pills need to come with you.

  24. Candy holder from the dollar store?
    Too much fun, this game!

  25. I was thinking either a pill case or a case for a hearing aid. I absolutely LOVE the salmon pic done in Northwest style. My hubby is Navajo, but I would choose Northwestern totems over Southwest style stuff any day.

  26. I think it's a case for a fishing lure or a really weird shaped contact lens case.

  27. looks like a mint or candy case

    princess.ambi at

  28. Have you ever noticed these guys that stand quietly on the banks of rivers and lakes and hold long rods in there hands?
    What? You thought they where fishing? Are you kidding? There is frozen fish available in every supermarket - why should they waste their time by going fishing?!
    No. They are secret mermaid lovers (don't believe the tales that say mermaids only live in the sea!), and they are writing messages. They write the cutest poems, decorated with little paintings of hearts and flowers, on scraps of paper, fold them and put them, together with a sinker, into those green boxes. They bend them to the ends of fishing lines and throw them into the water. That's why these boxes have to have this luminescent colour: it's dark deep down under the water.
    The salmons on them are to camouflage the boxes - if Neptune is around!
    And then those guys sit there on the banks for hours and hours and wait for an answer.
    That's what they do.
    Who kew? The little boxes are mermaid message boxes.

  29. Hello! I have two ideas: first, which are plastic glasses to ' protect yourself from the Sun when you go to the beach. Second: a box of candy.
    These games you propose are great fun!

  30. My husband thinks it might be a fishing lure case...I love the color, and I could foresee it being for breathmints, myself, for the person fishing!!!!

  31. I'm going to guess it's a case for those earbud headphones.

  32. Michelle L. speaking. That was the last guess, I'm cutting it off here. Thanks, you guys, check my next post for the reveal and WINNERS!

  33. I know it's totally too late to guess officially, but I'm going to guess, anyway, just for fun (and I haven't read the follow-up post yet). I think they're earplug cases.
