
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Guess the Mystery Thing: Green Apostrophes! Or maybe they're commas.

Hey howdy!   It's time once again for that very popular challenge game, Guess the Mystery Thing and Win Because It's Swoopy and Interesting and You Want It But Also Because Darn It You've Had a Rough Couple of Weeks What With the Usual Stress and Valentine's Day and All that Other Crap That Went Down Therefore You Deserve Something Nice And Since Mich Has Finally Given Up and Knows She Can't Stump You Someone Is Going To Win and It Might As Well Be You.

Guess the Mystery Thing for short.

Here are two unusual jewels, made with some kind of swoopy, curving, dark green objects of mystery.

I used some more of them to adorn these  fruity necklaces:

So.  What are those green apostrophes?  (Or commas.)

There will be two winners: first correct guess and most creative guess, to be chosen by moi.  If nobody gets it right, there will be a random winner.  So even if you're stumped, guess anyway, you could still win!

Hint: they are something both men and women would use.

The rules:

1. Open to anyone, anywhere.  (You don't even have to be a follower of the blog, although I would lurve it if you were!)
2. If your email isn't available to me in one click from an online profile, be sure to include your email address with your guess.

Okay, y'all - you know what to do.  Ready?  Set?  Guess the Mystery Thing!!!



  1. Well, both men and women can suffer from loss of hearing, so I guess these are recycled hearing aids!

  2. They're Martian pasta noodles. And you didn't make them--some Martian preschoolers did for Martian Mother's Day. Duh! You can't fool me, Michele! I'm on to you!

  3. Oh, and the hint about men and women both using them? Well, Martian women WEAR Martian pasta, but Martian men EAT Martian pasta. Also duh.

    Need coffee. Am incoherent.

  4. I KNOW!!!!!!!!
    I work @ the Processing and Distributing center for the post office in North Carolina and they look just like the ties we use to slide thur the belt hole loop on priority and express sacks... we call them "frog legs" because they are the color green and look like little frog legs...!!!! This has to be it!!!


  5. They're hemorrhoid cream applicators!

  6. I think they are the back ends to some googly glasses - the bits that go behind your ear

  7. Oh and my email -

  8. I'm completely stumped! I'm gonna say it's the rubber piece from the side of a toothbrush :)

  9. I think is the plastic that gets some kind of juice closed, and let you open it!!!!!

  10. I have no clue as to what they are. But I LOVE that bracelet and your blog. *new follower*

  11. New follower here too and love what I see!! :) You are mighty creative and it's fun to read your posts since I think the way you do...glad I'm not the only weird one! :)

    The Mystery thing...a S shaped, green plastic hook thingy for you to use in your jewelry creation to stump your readers :)..I have no idea!

  12. I have yet to figure out why I can't post on here...grrr..previous comment is mine

  13. Darn, I see others have already guessed glasses thingies (wrap around your ears things) ... too lazy to scroll back up for the right word.

    Could they be ... gah. I'm stumped. Glasses ends is all I got!

  14. All I know is that I'm loving that bracelet. No, wait! They might actually be commas or apostrophes. I think a teacher might be using those on a board to teach the kiddies proper punctuation.

  15. Petrified Albanian curly grass. Rare fossil, much sought after due its paleontological connection with the brachiosaurs and other herbivores from the late Triassic period. Usually found in Albania, even more rarely found in hard curly clumps in certain Californian environs. Contact National Geo. I think you've found a patch. And do refrain from making your delightful jewelry with it as this may constitute a crime.

  16. oo, oo, oo..... pick me, pick me!!!

    ok, so: these are the plastic frame thingies for those hand-held disposable dental floss whoseewhatsits.

  17. it's a whirly gig, it whirls and gigs....

  18. Could it be the left-over ring from plastic screw on caps? You know you twist them open and the come apart. Then you cut it in half and reshaped it?

  19. - curvy spectacle temples
    - sock hangers
    - bottle cap stoppers(the round plastic underneath the cap)
    - the plastic handle part of small scissors/nippers...Dont know am stumped....:(

  20. How about the plastic pull-tab to help open a bottle, like a milk jug or orange juice? But, knowing you, Mich, you can take something straight, and make it twisty...

    either that or Petrified Albanian curly grass as Michele has said....

    Anne at

  21. I would guess, but I fear that I have an unfair advantage now that I have seen them in person, thanks to my mail delivery today. GRACIAS!!!!
    Love them.

    And you left the candy in the wrapper? SCORE!!!!!!!

  22. I'm going to guess floss picks--the ones where you don't have to drag out the string and wind it around your hands because it's already done for you.

  23. What i can guess...hmmmm!!!i will not guess..if i will think my mind will stop thinking other things so i will avoid thinking about this mystery...hahaha..but i will like to snatch your smart bracelet..really..
    well i think you crush a toy of any little kid & make these beautiful pieces

  24. Mich here! For those of you reading through these comments, I will mention that, as of this moment, no one has guessed it! If you have already commented, feel free to come back and guess again. I will leave this challenge open a little while longer...

    Is it possible I have stumped you all?!?

  25. Well I'm grasping at straws here cause I really thought it was petrified Albanian curly grass... Is it perhaps a thick tiny green slinky?... You've used slinkies before but not in GTMT...

  26. A shot in the dark, but my daughter and I think that they are part of a bubble wand. I'm forever blowing bubbles.....

  27. Well, I think you might have stumped us! Could it be krazy straws (although it doesn't look hollow inside...) or part of a hair roller or some flower stems or some cable ties (although it doesn't quite look thick enough? If nothing else, I'm giving you ideas for future projects!

  28. Perhaps you had a green plastic or acrylic cup and you cut shavings from around the top with a really sharp knife?! No idea, new follower to your blog and I absolutely love it!

  29. Okay... I really looked a looooooooong time on the green things. Plastic. Green. They have on one side a hole (not the burned one in)... the other side is cut? Maybe there was a little pin so the things could be joined... In the middle of the long "commas" is a little nick on on side which seems to belong to the things.

    So far... so... still not good ^^

    Soo many details... and I still don't know! :)

  30. Petrified baby boogers. From Mars. Or the moon.

  31. Are they hooks from some sort of dollar-store fishing game toy? Or dollar store knock-off Barrel of Monkeys?

  32. I will guess that they are part of dental floss pick.

  33. After thinking about this for a few days I think I got it or
    Could it be weed eater string?

  34. Okay, I searched our Dollar store to see what it might POSSIBLY be and the only thing that jumped out at me was a candy called Ooze Pop. Is it the strap to that? I did buy some cool candy for my nieces and nephews (it had monkeys on the top, that when you pressed a button, their hands came together with a tamborine!)

    Otherwise, I give up. Come up, tell us....what is the mystery object?

  35. Maybe wax? That would be to breakable... Anyway, realized my email wasn't one click away. So just in case...^.^

  36. My brain won't let me think of anything wacky today, but I think they might be bits of those hooks that hold up shower curtains.
    (tashalouiza at gmail dot com)

  37. Hi, Mich here! I am cutting off the guesses here. Thanks for guessing, everybody - you are too cool to come out and play on the intertubes with me. Come back soon for the reveal and WINNERS!
