
Friday, January 7, 2011

Tutorial: a ghostly pale wrist corsage.

Hi, kids!  Today I made these bracelets, featuring mod, kitschy, semi-transparent flowers.

Does anyone recognize the flowers?  It's something I bought at a home improvement store.  Look!

It's a rubber sink mat, a really pretty one.  It's designed so you can cut away a few flowers to make a hole for your drain.  Bah!  I would rather make jewelry.  So I snipped off some individual flowers.

I can think of a jillion ways to use these!  I'm still experimenting, Mad Scientist style. For the moment, how about a flower bracelet tutorial?

I'm going to show two versions - one using jewelry findings, and one using sewing supplies (in case you're not a jewelry making type, or don't have the findings handy.)

First, the jewelry-maker's version.  I used two ghost flowers, a watchband, one headpin, and some beads and spacers.

1. Poke a hole in the watchband with a sharp poky thing.

2.  Stack the bits and pieces.  The key is to sandwich the watchband and flowers between two flat items.  This creates a solid base.

3. Add cute beads of your choice, and fold the headpin down against them.  4.  Use round-nose pliers to make a swirly to finish it off.  Be sure to really cinch that swirly down tight.

Here's how it looks from underneath:


Now let's do the sewn version.

1. Poke two holes in the watchband.  2. Thread skinny ribbon through the two holes, then through the flowers and buttons.

Here's the underneath:

3. Just tie your ribbon off at the top, and voila!

Your ghostly pale, sink mat flower bracelets are ready to go.  Where are they going?  That's up to you.  They remind me of wrist corsages, a little.

A supernatural prom?


  1. Realmente original, si encuentro el material intentaré hacer algo parecido. Besos

  2. Beautiful Michelle. They are delicate and ladylike, two things of which I am not, but can appreciate when I see it ;)

  3. Their really beautiful!

    ( Claire.. don't go shopping.. no!..)


  4. I really like the whimsy of the ribbon tied one.

  5. those are really cool! I like the one with the bird on it.. So creative:)

  6. Of course. A sink mat. Makes perfect sense! :D
    Tell you what, I bet those flowers would be ace as a statement necklace!
    If you'll excuse me, I'm off to google flowery sink mats.

  7. You seriously need to write a book! This may be my favorite of yours yet. I'm really glad you didn't do a guess the mystery thing with this!

  8. super fun! I also would never have guessed what those flowers were from - keep 'em coming Michelle!

  9. No Friggin Way!!! This is too cool. I want that sink mat. Oooo, the places this sink mat will go!!!

  10. This is wonderful. Perfect for the birthday party we have coming up! They have these sink mats (even in blue) on Amazon Thank you so much for sharing this!!

  11. You're mad! Mad, I tell you, MAD! And you make cool jewelry, so you're my kind of people on both counts. Now, to the hardware store!

  12. Bracelets, necklace, pins, hairbows! These flowers would be great in lots of venues. I can see them on a desk to keep your cup anchored...
    Thanks, Michelle, for the tuts. I do like the sewn one better; it looks more comfy.
    <3 U
    P. S. Come on by my blog today and see my boobs, I look like a Goddess.

  13. Very pretty. I've got to ask, do things turn up missing in you house so you can make stuff? Because when you think about it, your whole house is like one giant craft supply room ;)

  14. I've gotta get me one of those mats.

  15. Brilliant! I love those flowers, I shall be on the lookout for a similar mat to dissect myself :)

  16. a sink mat eh? and you could make about a hundred of these from ONE sink mat, couldn't you? so smart!

  17. Awesome! My mouth was hanging open at your reveal....great idea! My 5 year, looking over my shoulder said, "Wow! Those are be-u-tiful!" You're creativity is a hit!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Estàn preciosas!!!!
    que ingeniosa, estas flores estàn super, puedes hacer miles de cosas con ellas, me encanta que empieces a usar las cosas que te habìa mandado:-D!!

  20. cute..perfect for me..hmmmm..!!!
    it looks like ice pieces..very clever idea boss,but i didnt notice this matte in market..i must check it...i have an idea for can make a hairband with these cute flowers...

  21. Super duper fab, I am now a follower, and will have to try out some of your great ideas!

  22. beautiful, I would never have looked at a sink mat and thought of cutting it up until now! But I love how transparent they look. Really nice!

  23. Genius! I think i really need a regular dose of your creativity! thanks so much for linking up on Craft Schooling Sunday, and hope you'll join us again next week! all the best!

  24. Hi Michelle, just popped over from Carol's blog as she showed us the unique pendant you made and I couldn't have come at a better time because you are showing us how to make a bracelet using a ribbon as an alternative, and wow its a brilliant concept as is the upcycling of the bath mat. Needless to say I am now a Looking forward to seeing more of your inspiring craftings. Annette x

  25. This is so amazing. I don't think I ever saw such a beautiful sink mat. You are right... there are lots of things to do with them. I'm going to go look for this. Was this from Home Depot? Thanks for sharing this.

  26. You should see my big smile! OMG, those are so cute. I love the little curly top on the first one. I can't wait to see what you do with the rest of those little flowers. Anything but the kitchen sink....they are true works of art.

  27. You are so creative,flower so elegant you work is brillant...

  28. It must be so much fun to go to the store with you- everything would become jewelry possibilities! Thanks for the fun idea, I'll be linking.

  29. Coooll!! I've never seen a sink mat before - why would you need a sink mat? Surely it's actually meant for jewellery making!

    Thanks for linking to A Round Tuit. Hope you have a lovely week.

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  30. I REALLY like your projects & blog. Thanks for taking the time and energy to post such creative projects.

    The only problem I have when I see them is that it's not "upcycling" if you go to the dollar store and buy the items to make the projects. Upcycling is when you take something that already exists but might get thrown away and use it for another purpose.

    Buying things from China made of plastic isn't good for the environment.

    I think it would be wonderful if you could try and use things from the recycling bin or thrift store to make some of your projects. Just a thought.

  31. I love how you layer such beautiful little elements. Perhaps upcycling is not the perfect term but it is definitely repurposed with vision and flair. Great job! Thanks for linking up to Sunday Art Therapy.

  32. Every time I turn the page I'm even more blown away by your materials!! Amazing!

  33. Great work.........
