
Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Chemical Love: Weirdest Photography Tip Ever!

Hiya!  Here's an oddball picture to start you off.  Now, what the heck can this post be about?

You guys, this one is dopey, but since I'm too sleepy and grumpy to do a whole tutorial today, thought I would share this happy little tip.

I do lots of construction work.  Grouting, tiling, sheetrocking, plastering, demolition. And sometimes my hands get so rough it makes me nuts.  I can slather on moisturizers all day long, and they do nothing.  How can that be?  Why don't they work?  And when I try to take blog photos, my hands look like this:

Yeesh.  Wrinkly.  Worn.  A little too lived-in.  I picture a lizard.  A spinster one, named Eugenia, with no love life whatsoever.

Recently, after a big tiling project, I was moaning away on this subject, and my husband for some odd reason was actually listening.  After a moment's thought he said, quite casually, "Well, the grout we were working with today is very alkaline.  Your skin probably needs acid to balance it.  Try some lemon juice."

Say what?  Is this is a thing people know?  Or did he just invent it?

So I sliced a citrus...

Rubbed in the juice.  And suddenly my hand looked like this:

Okay, it's still wrinkly and lived-in.  But now I picture a youthful, dewy lizard, named of Gidget, with several handsome Komodo Dragons asking her out.

And people, you would not believe how smooth my skin felt.  It was truly weird.  I'm not sure if the photos really convey the difference, but let's see that again, shall we?  Completely un-retouched.



Isn't that bee-zarre?  Chemistry to the rescue!  So if you find yourself scaly after certain alkaline craft projects, consider this theory, brought to you by my chemical love.

Hope you like the ring, too!  I thought 'Bird On a Wire' would be a great name for it.


  1. Those are MY HANDS! No matter what I do I can't keep my hands looking smooth and gorgeous in winter. (Summer they're fine.) I don't do crafts or construction work, but I might try your crazy lemon trick anyway. What the hell...

  2. Hummm.....Interesting concept, but an obvious one in the chemistry world I suppose. I'll keep this little tip in my brain! What a smart husband you've got!!

  3. Leave it to a dude to solve the problem. I swear, those guys on "This Old House" must have the best make-up bag in town!
    PS: Eugenia and I are old friends. I'm going to try this tomorrow for sure. I cold use a visit from Gidget :)

  4. Hee hee! That's great Michelle! Thanks for the acid-tip (NB: NOT acid-trip), and I loved the reptilian sub-plot too. I got visuals!

  5. You have to be careful though: when applying lemon juice to your skin, stay away from direct sunlight or you could see some skin discoloration over time. It happened to a few people I know, including one of my aunts.

  6. The ring is so beautiful!!!
    The hands...OMG there is a big difference:-D, is amazing!!!!

  7. The Komodos will be queueing!
    Love birdie on the wire, too tweet, err, sweet!
    I made sugar scrubs with lemon juice as xmas gifts, just plain old sugar, fresh lemon juice and olive oil. The stuff works like a treat, so, yeah, I suppose the lemony knowledge is out there in blogland. (don't remember where I found it, though)
    What a clever hubby you have, I wouldn't have thought a guy knows how to un- lizard hands!

  8. Brilliant. I will have to try this!

    The ring is cool :)

  9. Wow...great tip & very cute ring!!! Wouldn't have thought of fact I was thinking she should try coconut oil...I've heard it is amazing for the skin.
    I have to say your photography is simply amazing, crisp, clear, natural coloring...I'm always trying to improve my skills so I guess I take notice of great shots!!!

  10. LEMON? Is that the answer to my woes???? I have moisturizer everywhere so I can slather it on my aging skin, but I never thought it might be because of solvents and grout. Honey, hit the produce aisle for me on the way home today!

  11. Brilliant discovery! Hey, I have the same problem and feel like an old lady sometimes with my icky hands. I've heard of lemon and lime to get rid of a fishy smell, but not for dry skin. Love your pictures and that's the best proof of all!

  12. Your husband must be brilliant. Nice to meet you Gidget...

  13. its nice & interesting too..what a difference..hmmm..

  14. You are tooo funny! You have beautiful hands that make beautiful things!

  15. That is brilliant. I never would have thought of trying to balance the pH of the skin's *surface*.

  16. ha ha ha!!! Love it! THAT is totally something my husband would say to me. He's a chemist. He loves saying stuff like that - as if everyone in the world knows it.

  17. Great hands and great jewelry! Love your blog. Thanks for sharing. :)

  18. This makes me think about everything ELSE I use all day long and it's pH levels!!!
