
Friday, January 14, 2011

I dare you not to think this is cute!

Today, a teensy little project.  I call it Bunny Howling at the Moon.

So simple to make, and I used two fun items from - all together now - the dollar store.  The black circle is a checker from the same set as the Chessmen Pendants.  The little white bunny is a paperclip!  Look!

Here are the steps.  1. Twist a bunny clip like you're taking apart an Oreo cookie.  (I'm sorry there's no picture, I only have two hands.  But don't try to tell me you don't know how to unscrew an Oreo - I won't believe you.)  A little metal connector will pop out, and you will end up with two flat bunnies:

2. Heat a metal poker in a flame.  3. Melt holes in the checker and the bunny.  4.  Put both on a long headpin.

5. Bend the headpin up in back, and make a generous-sized wrapped loop.

That's it!  String a chain, cord or neckwire, and you have Bunny Howling at the Moon.

There are lots of other versions of this paper clip out there.  I've found cats, dogs, several species of zoo animals and Vespas.  I hope you come across some!  They are just too ridiculously cute.

I'm already planning to make Vespa Howling at the Moon.


  1. que lindos!! me encantan tus reutilizos!!:-D

  2. OK it wasn't until you started talking about Oreos that the checker started looking like one! So I think if you're making these, you have to eat Oreos while doing so! Too stinkin' cute.

  3. Adorable and clever as always. Poor bunny, I felt a little sorry for him/her when I saw that needle going into its head...ouch! Cute, cute, cute.

  4. I love how you fearlessly use fire and melt holes in anything - you are my hero!

  5. very cute. I received the chess piece pendant and I love it.

  6. i was wondering how you got those little holes in there... red hot pokers eh? how handy are you!

    pretty pretty bunny!

  7. I think the checker actually looks quite a bit like an Oreo. So maybe you need to make an Oreo necklace, too. ;)

  8. I need a dollar store, this is too darn cute!

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, Oreos! blrhmmmpfth! (goes all Homer Simpson )

  9. Bunny paperclips?!?!?!? MUST. HAVE.

    Impaled into a necklace they're darned cute too.

  10. Just to be curious, can you possibly mention which dollar store? Is it a chain store or local? Because I've never seen anything like this in the dollar stores around me, but I would LOVE if I could find some. I have a small obsession with bunnies and this necklace makes me smile!

  11. How easy & interesting idea...looking really smart..hmmm

  12. Hello Michelle!!
    I love this rabit...Bunny... Beutiful nesclace

  13. Bah! Great idea. I never thought about game pieces as jewels --Love it! I can only imagine the possibilities!

  14. I totally thought that was an oreo.:-) That is a wicked cute necklace!!!!

  15. HOW CUTE. I love the idea of the poking with hot head pin. I got to try this. Thanks so much
