
Monday, December 27, 2010

Ring in the New Year!

Sorry.  Terrible pun.  Couldn't help myself.  I'm in therapy for it.

Hi!  Are people having a nice holiday time?  I took a break, did some Christmas-y things and received much love, beamed my way from far flung family and friends. Today I'm back with a zaftig new ring project.

What do you think?

Bold.  Big.  A statement ring for sure!  Plus, a great upcycle from something that would otherwise be thrown away.

Okay, so they're also a little out there.

One of the Christmas-y things was a Vegas weekend with two crazy girlfriends.  We caroused mightily.  Extravagant food was eaten!  Penny slots were played!  I even had one drink - a rare thing, I can't usually tolerate the strong stuff.  But one White Russian - how dangerous could that be?  Ten minutes after drinking it, I wobbled off to my hotel room and prepared unsteadily for bed.  My eye fell upon these, perched beside the sink:

Was it the Kahlua, or did the caps on these freebie lotion-and-shampoo bottles look like translucent green gems?  I swept them into my suitcase and brought them home.


This was a very fun construction.  Want to try?  Here are the steps. 1. Twirl a small loop on one end of a piece of heavy wire. 2.  Loop it one-and-a-quarter times around something roughly finger-shaped.

3. Bend the wire straight up, like this:

4.  Poke a hole in the lotion cap.  5.  Thread the cap and some beautiful beads onto the wire.  6.  Bend the wire down and snip off the extra, leaving about an inch.  7.  Make a swirly to secure the beads.

Done and done!

Whatever you think of them, two things cannot be denied.  They are adjustable - yay!  And they are amusing - hee!

I must admit, I personally think they're quite cool, even beautiful.   But I, too, am a little out there.


  1. Love it!! Statement piece indeed--but a statement I'd love to make!

  2. Thanks for the seems very easy also..i remember once i make a bracelet with tooth paste caps & using big beads in it..that process was familiar with this..its big but nice...

  3. que buena idea!!!!
    they are so beautiful, you have amazing ideas for recycling!!!!

  4. Dude- white Russian?
    The Dude: And, you know, he's got emotional problems, man.
    Walter Sobchak: You mean... beyond pacifism?

    Love those rings, tey look little little sweet treats in a serving bowl!

  5. Haces cosas muy lindas, me hago seguidora de tu blog. Te invito a visitar el mio

  6. Hello! is a fantastic idea! Very original and fun ... These rings are unique. Recycling is very important and also if you create beautiful objects, that is the best.
    A greeting and Merry Christmas

  7. I know I have a daughter that would wear that! VERY cool!

  8. When I saw the first ring I automatically thought The Cat in the Hat :)

    What a great story on where you found your inspiration, love it.

  9. Wow Girl I wanna party with you! The rings are bold & cute too. Kudos to your tipsy creativity.

  10. looks like a dr seuss dessert!! loooove it!! (:

  11. Holy shampoo cap! Total awesomeness...

  12. Wow girl, you went and did it again...just too cool. I do believe that's a beautiful shade of green, yes I do.
    My sister-in-law and her boyfriend were just here and left our Christmas very large bottle of Kahlua and peanut brittle. The heck with the peanut brittle, that bottle is all mine.
    Sounds like a great time in Vegas. I guess not everything that happens there (like discovering jewelry supplies) has to stay there.
    Hugs, and a Very Happy New Year to you.

  13. Oh what next! You never cease to amaze me with what can be turned into jewellery!! Fantastic!

    Thanks so much for linking up to A Round Tuit.
    Have a fantastic week and a very Happy New Year!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  14. Oh, they are cool! I keep thinking they must be in movement... like a jack in the box whixh just jumped out!

    ...and pscht... I would have taken the empty bootles as well! And.. i love white russian ^^

  15. Love this!

    Would love for you to stop by and enter my GIVEAWAY!!

    XoXo Andrea

  16. Another GREAT recycle!!!!! Thanks so much for linking this up to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

  17. GREAT BALLS OF LIBERACE now THAT is a cocktail ring!!!!!!!! Love it. Love it. Love it.
    Feels a bit like a jack in the box, or something. very toy like. Christmas you can enjoy all year round!

  18. The rings are a riot! Very creative. Happy New Year to you, Michelle! Pearl

  19. I featured you in this week's Craftastic Monday. Stop by & grab a featured on button:) Thanks for linking!
