
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dollar store jelly pendants.

Hi, you guys!  Look what I have been making:

They are a companion piece to those bangles I did a while back, the ones made from dollar store jelly headbands:

If you recall, I snipped away the ends, and only used the centers of the headbands to make the cuffs.

So let's make this pendant from the leftover bits.  Start with a leftover jelly end, a headpin, and two little spacer beads.  (If you don't have spacers, round beads work, too.)

Okay, first...

Wait, wait, hold on, freeze!  We interrupt this craft for an important announcement.  In case you are not a jewelry-making type, and are about to click away because you don't have beads or jewelry supplies handy, please don't go!  Because I have not forgotten you, and there is a charming, easy two-buttons-and-some-string version coming up.  So stay!

Okay, first.  Find a sharp poky thing, and poke a hole in the jelly end, roughly in the center:

Fold the top over and make a bead-and-headpin sandwich, like so:

Make a teeeeeny loop on the back.

Snip off the extra with a wire snipper.

You can try to bend it downward a little if you want, to keep it low profile, but if the loop is tiny, you really won't notice it's there.

And now you're done!  Hang on a chain or neckwire, maybe add a cute dangly thing to the bottom, and hey, presto - that's your finished pendant!

Nifty, huh?  That one is the basic look, but variations are easy.  Here are couple more ideas...

Another fun variation: double your jellies!

Mm...two kinds of jelly...

I think I'm getting hungry.

Now, as promised, here is the two-buttons-and-some-string method.  Take two buttons and...yeah, you're way ahead of me, aren't you?

Actually, I used 3 buttons because I was being fancy and decided to layer 2 in front.  All you need to do is make the exact same kind of sandwich, using your buttons and string.  Poke the hole as before, then just thread your string through all the layers.  Here's the front:

And after you tie it off, the back will look like this.

Finished!  And cute!  And no fancy tools or findings.  So there.

Okay, that's today's dollar store do-over.  Thanks for visiting today, hope you liked this idea! 

I love using leftovers from other projects, I always feel so virtuous and thrifty.


I need to start thinking about a turkey.


  1. Mich, you have the best writing style ever :) You make me laugh :) AND your jewelry is cool. But today's post remind me of the comic strip Sherman's lagoon - have you read it? It's hilarious, about this overweight shark who can't stop thinking about food. I so relate to that stuff :) (wonder why?) :) Anyway, have a great day!

  2. i know of what you speak, i love using leftovers in crafting too! it's so fun, and look what you get! your jelly pendants are super-cute! and the cost... zero! can't beat that.

    thanks for including us jewelry snobs by the way. very sweet of you!

  3. Your genius just never ceases to amaze me. These are so fantastic!

  4. Using leftovers is very satisfying, isn't it?
    I kinda like the one with the buttons better than the others though they are all very nifty!

  5. How cool! You're so resourceful!

  6. I like the double dippers! You are the master at this craft, my friend! :)

  7. If yo start making turkey jewellery (and I certainly do NOT mean the country, young lady!), I'll call in the shrinks.
    Otherwise, your jelly jewels are positively elegant, love the button one!

  8. I went out and bought jelly headbands because of you. I'll have you know.

  9. Wow! they are beautiful, you are so creative.

  10. BAH! Genius again! Why oh why doesn't my dollar store carry these amazing headbands? Perhaps I can get by with the grid mesh from a waste basket I grabbed a while wait, I have that tied up in cuffs you inspired ages ago. Dilemma Dilemma....

  11. That is awesome! I would love for you to come link that in my Strut Your Stuff Party!

  12. So after seeing the jelly cuffs post a couple of days ago, I went to the Dollar Store today and found those EXACT ones! I bought a package of two, and tried to think of what I could do with the leftover bits...then I came here, saw this, and went HOOOOOO BOY!

    I really love your blog. :D I think I'm in love.

  13. I'm speechless, and that's a first for me. You always amaze me. Oooh, they look like caramel and yummy! They're perfect.

  14. Awesome! and I really love the bracelets, which I missed..

  15. 10 out of 10: recycling option, originality, design style... all!

    Thank you so much for sharing your tutorial at the DIY CRAFT TUTORIAL linky party at

    Hope you also found some tutorials in the party for projects that interested you ...

    See you back next Wednesday, we hope, and meanwhile, have a creative week,


  16. Hi Michelle. This is such a cool idea. I love the outside the box thinking. I'm your newest follower and look forward to coming back soon to see more of your great ideas.

    Thanks and hugs...Tracy :)

  17. So fabulous and so creative! Bravo to you for using your leftovers and coming up with something so cute!

  18. another unique fun material for you to work with! You must get inspiration everywhere! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's.

  19. Thanks for your nice comment on my dollar store rope necklace. These are genius! I love it when people see potential in a boring product.
