
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The mystery thing! What is it? Guess it and win!

Oh, hi!  I made a mystery jewel.  Here it is:

Actually I made several versions.

Can you guess what it's made of?

I hereby announce a new, fun GIVEAWAY feature just for you!  It's called Guess the Mystery Thing and Win One and Be the Envy of All Your Friends but Only if You Actually Like It and Want One Although Maybe Even if You Don't Like It All That Much You Could Win It and Give It as a Gift to Someone Who Likes This Kind of Stuff.

Guess the Mystery Thing for short.

Please guess!  I will feel sad if nobody wants to try.  There will be three winners!   The reader with the first correct guess wins her choice.  There will be a second winner for the most creative guess.  But wait!  Even if you think someone else has already guessed correctly, you can still score: a third winner will be chosen by my high-tech cutting-edge randomizing program.  (My mom will pick a number.) 

It's something from the dollar store.

Additional fine print!
1. Guessing is open to anyone, anywhere.
2. Be sure there's an email address available somewhere (in the comment, or in your profile), so I can contact you if you win.
3. If I manage to stump everyone, you will each owe me a Hershey's Kiss or a haiku about how clever I was to pull the wool over your eyes.  (Also, I will choose the top two creative guesses and send each of them The Mystery Thing.)

By the way, this contest was suggested by the brilliant Jessica of Zakka Life.  Thank you, Jessica, I LOVE this idea, so happy you thought of it!

So what are you waiting for?  Time to Guess the Mystery Thing!

Update: thanks, everybody!  This challenge is now closed.


  1. It looks like one of those drain know, to keep hair and such from clogging your drain.

    orca0024 at yahoo dot com

  2. I have no stinkin' idea. And I've even asked co-workers and we're all stumped. The only thing I can think of is a rubber mat type thing that you put on your counter or in your cupboards and put dishes on.

  3. Knowing you it could literally be ANYTHING. I wanna say it's either non-slip mat thingy you put in the sink, or a broken bar soap holder? I can't wait to see how wrong I am!

  4. Or, it could be one of those grippy things for opening jars. . . they're all cute, whatever they're made of! Thanks for the fun give-away! :)

  5. Ok, I think it might be one of those things you put in terribly uncomfortable high heels so you're able to, you know, walk in them. Failing that it's a space age rubber sieve from the planet Zargon, that you happened to find in...yes, a dollar store!

    PS Whatever they are, the ball chain looks really cute with them: ball chain is cool but I always think it ends up looking a little bit rough and tough - this looks sweet :)

    Elly x

  6. Okay, so my first idea of the drain thingie is taken, so my guess would be bathtub non-slip things you put down to, uh, not slip. :D I think my email is in my profile, but in case it's not, I'm Whatever it is, it looks fun! Thanks!!

  7. I'm going to guess some sort of shower mat thing. It looks rubbery and like it would spiral out....

    xsandyxbeachx AT yahoo DOT com

  8. My mind is boggled... I too think it might be some anti- slip thingy?! Would befit your crazy ways lol

  9. I think it's a flexible bar soap holder.

  10. The above guesses all sound about right so I'm just going to go way out in left field and say: some sort of new-fangled sun catcher.

  11. I think it's a chair mat for a fairie's office, so her chair wheels don't get all caught up in her pink shag carpet

    that, or it's a dog dish mat

  12. The sides of a transparent scotch tape dispender that you pierced tiny wee holes in it with a drummel ??? and you added the more flexible part in one photo just to mislead us ??????? ... Well , it's just that I have seen another Michèle making a stupendous work of art with tape dispender , so I am obsessed with the idea :) Does the most original guess win something too ??? in which case , I will try again without fearing being totally ridiculous !!!!

  13. A broken tupperware lid that you cut with a cutter ,in curvy lines and pierced tiny wee holes in a line ??? Or any piece of plastic , nice and transparent that you rescued from the bin ( and you did right ) , and then just pirced holes to see what it would look like ???
    Is that so ???? - could be ????

  14. I know , you bought some pin buttons , I don't know how you call them , boutons pression , in French , and they were sold on transparent sort of cards , and this is what you used ( they already had holes ... )
    But I suppose the others who guessed before me guessed better ...
    But it could be the wrapping of something , like something that you use so as not to break objects in transport ...
    PFFF I am too tired , !I give upppppp !!!!!

  15. It's definitely from some sort of cyborg butterfly with solar panel wings. Mmm-hmm.

  16. All the thinking is making my eyes cross!!! I'm gonna say it's a pasta strainer :)

  17. I think it's one of those non-slip bathmats but I'm not really sure. You really picked a hard item for the "mystery thing". Hope someone guesses right because I'm not that good at Haikus ;)

    Thanks for the shout out and link love

  18. I'm gonna go with non-skid bath mat even if it was already picked.

  19. what a great idea for a contest!!! Hmmmm.....well, my initial thought has been taken, so I am going to guess a clear gel shoe insole thingy. Whats the word for those anyway?

    PS: I plugged you in my post about fingernail jewelry, hope you don't mind :) I was inspired!

  20. I think it's a trivet like device. The little knobs keep the flat part from touching the surface. Maybe not for hot items, but maybe for candles.

  21. A comfort sole for shoes? Ha ha, it could be anything since you come up with such great ideas for your jewelery.

  22. DOES IT MATTER?? They really are BEAUTIFUL necklaces and I don't really care what it's made of :-)

  23. I would have to say the gel comfort soles you put in shoes which you cut into different shapes.

    What a fantastic blog, so glad I found you : )
    I'll be back for sure.

  24. I think it is pieces from a spyrograph. Remember those? No 1970s Christmas was complete without them.

  25. They are adorable, whatever the heck they're made from. At first I was thinking part of a cutting board, but then I can see that it's flexible. What about a place mat? I dunno;-) Very cool as usual.

  26. Great idea for a giveaway competition! (I like the long name best!!)
    I'd go with some kind of bathroom non-slip thing.

    Very creative!!

    Thanks for linking it to A Round Tuit!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  27. hmmm... what the heck are those made of... I am going to go with those plastic things on the floor but the really weird ones that have the suction cups... LOL!!!!

    -- dalis

  28. Part of a drain stopper would be my first guess. 2nd would be a non-slip cutting board.

  29. Well, my first thought was pieces of a broken soap drain/dish, and someone else said that. Then I thought maybe a piece of a broken hairbrush with the tufts removed. But I remembered its a flexible material, so I'll guess that its pieces of a massage mat.

  30. I was thinking some clear silicone placemat kind of thing you know the kind of thing you use to stop things sliding on a tray.

    Nice pieces though!

  31. Is it one of those old fashioned scalp massager's?? Whatever it is..very cool. Also love your "Tie" earrings... very creative! :)

  32. interesting... I can't figure it out! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  33. Spirograph parts? The parts that you put the pen point in?
