
Friday, September 3, 2010

Jewelry for your wall?

Hi!  Does your bathroom wall need some jewelry?

Would you like to hear how utterly simple it was to get this look?  Well, okay, then.

A couple of years ago, I was fortunate enough to visit the Mercado Antiquanta in Lucca, Italy.  It fills half the city once a month, and it was heaven.  In a strangely domestic mood, my macho husband bargained for and bought these cool antique prints.

Who knew he had it in him?  Certainly not me.

So for two years, they've been hanging out in our bathroom...

Nice, but kinda plain?  And a little bit small for the space.  I had been thinking of going with bigger frames, to fill the wall a little more.  But then, suddenly, I thought of this stuff:

Ready-made beaded trim.  I found mine at a yard sale, but have often seen it at the dollar store for cheap.  You can absolutely buy it at any fabric or craft store, in a million colors and variations.

Here is the tutorial.  Ready?  First, Scotch tape a piece of beaded trim to the back of your frame, like so:

Okay, next...

Wait.  That was the entire tutorial!  Doncha love it?

Again, here's Before...

And here's After.

Yay.  Wall jewelry.  Am I crazy?  Perhaps.  But sometimes a girl can't help it.


  1. I dont think there is ever too much jewerly

  2. Well we all knew you were crazy... But in the very best way! :)

    This is so easy Michelle, and so elegant both in execution and style!

  3. Holy cats that is the niftiest thing!! I always see that trim in the store and want an excuse to buy it, but I can never think of how to use it. Genius! I know just the frame I want to use, too, This will be perfect :)
    Also, it's too funny you mentioned the market in Lucca...I was looking at websites on central Tuscany with a friend just last week. Her family is from a neighboring town and it sounds like Lucca is not to be missed! If we ever iron out the details to get over next year, I'll have to get your advice on what to see. Those prints are fabulous. And how nice of your hubby to haggle them for you!

  4. Nice! Another clever idea! :)

    (And thanks for visiting my blog!)

  5. No, this is truly creative!!! I might just have to add some to mine now! :D Loving this idea!!! Thank you oh so very much for linking your creations up at my party today! Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
    ~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~

  6. What a great way to dress up the frames, and its so simple, the bling for the frame haha, I love it

  7. I so wish my husband liked bead trim - but it gives him the shudders.

    I think this is seriously sweet.

  8. Sometimes I can't fathom how much I love you, chick. The best idea ever! (since your last best idea ever and before the next one)

  9. Genius idea...I may have to try this one! :o)

  10. Mich, I love this idea! It looks great, I may have to steal this idea for a future project. I'll be crazy together with you :)

  11. What a great idea! Looks wonderful! You're so clever.

  12. Really cute idea to dress up the already cute prints! Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Excellent idea, but wouldn't duct tape last alot longer than scotch tape? Now I know I have some of that beaded tape somewhere!

  14. LOVE this :)

    ~Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  15. what a fun effect! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  16. I absolutely LOVE your blog, it's going to be my daily read from now on!! Love the idea of the fringe, like one of the other ladies, I have looked at it many times but just didn't know what to use it for. I see many beaded things in my the only thing I would suggest differently is to staple the fringe to the frame. In a bathroom, there will be frequent steaming of the tape and it is liable to come loose.
