
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Some chopsticks.

Hey, look what I found at the dollar store.

I deconstructed them in a flash: just a few quick zips with a pull saw.

 How much fun am I going to have with these?

This much fun!

I had lots of plain wooden demi-chopsticks left over.

What to do with them, what to do...?

Ah, I know!

Hair sticks, of course!

This is my favorite kind of project: fast and simple and cheep-cheep-cheap!  Three bucks netted thirty hair sticks and two dozen pieces of jewelry.  Whee!

Of course, an hour later I wanted to craft again...


  1. You are so amazing! Does your brain ever stop?!

  2. Oh wow! I have a bunch of chopsticks I never actually use for eating... might have to look at them in a new light now!

    And that last line literally had me laughing out loud...

  3. Love the hairsticks, I am looking at knitting needles at the moment, but haven't found what I'm looking for so far. Make mine number 37 with rice! Yum!

  4. Oh wow! I love these, they are so fun and stylish and pretty and all for $3! I will be on the lookout for chopsticks like these now ;)

  5. Ooh - I love the first necklace with three sticks on it and I love the hair sticks...brilliant lady you are!!

  6. wow M great work. is there anything you can't make something out of? great work agian M!

  7. Seriously talented...that you are! These are just beautiful! Thank you so much for linking your wonderful creation up at Frou Frou Decor today!! Have a great weekend!
    ~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~

  8. Oh, I would sooo wear those earrings! I'm always looking for unique and bold earrings to wear.

  9. So creative! Thanks for sharing, I am visiting from new friend Friday.

  10. I ♥ dollar stores! Great transformations.

    Btw, I was enticed to click your link from the Fabulous Friday Finds party.

  11. WOW, I was just trying to think of something I could make using all those dirt cheap back to school supplies! Afraid my dollar store doesn't have such nifty pencils, but to tell you the truth, I might like them just as much using the plain old yellow ones! And those chopsticks are too cool :)

  12. HAHAHAHA! I use child-sized chopsticks in my hair because adult-sized ones are so long I'd be poking people's eyes out all day long if they were protruding from my head. I love those danglies, though. Gotta go get some tiny eyelet screws!

  13. HOW COOL!! you are amazing!! what kind of drill did you use to get that hole in the sticks?? i wanna play!!!

  14. This is fabulous!! The colors are perfect and the possibilities endless. The hairsticks could also be bookmarks. Wonderful job, I like the way you think:-)

  15. Awwwww man, I wish my dollar store had cute chopsticks! Thanks so much for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

  16. Hi, Karlalala! To do the eye screws, I made a starter hole with a tiny nail and a hammer, then screwed in the eye screw by hand. For the side-to-side holes, I used a little handheld Dremel tool-type drill.

  17. Now I am stuck here with my mouth wide opened with amazement! These are beautiful! Are you some kind of genious?

  18. your work is always words to say more...what a good ideas you have in your

  19. Are fantastic... Are very creative...

  20. you're so creative - they're fantastic!

  21. We're doing the giggle-snort thing over here at that last line...and I LOVE the hair sticks!

  22. Lovely!!!! I am in love with all things Japanese, having lived there, and these are so much fun! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  23. Another great jewelery creation! LOVE it. Esp since I used to live in Japan and love all things Japanese! I'll be featuring these tomorrow! Thanks for linking up to topsy turvy tuesday's!

  24. I need to get to the Dollar Store NOW! Awesome ideas!

  25. I wish I had a store like that anywhere near me!
