
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Scarves just hanging out.

Musing...just musing.  I own lots and lots of filmy, silky little scarves, and they never seem to be in one place.  Also, I love grommets.  Also, a shower curtain costs a buck at the dollar store.  Also, binder rings exist.

Result of my musing:

Yay!  A solution to my scarfapalooza!  If you want to know how I did it, check this out:

That charming strip with silver grommets is what you get by ripping the top off a shower curtain.  Don't even bother with scissors - just grab the end and start peeling, it zips right off!

Now find some big binder rings:

And do this:

Then this -

That's it!  For even more scarf storage, double up on the rings -

Practical and pretty!

Here's an alternative look, tres chic...

You can find a belt with grommets in pretty much any thrift store.  But if you can't, you could always take a plain leather belt and punch some holes in it.

Then just let your scarves hang out!

Whoa.  Michelle made something practical?  How bizarre is that? 


  1. practical and perfect in every way. :)

  2. Genious idea thank you for linking up.

  3. Brilliant!! I love the idea and can see some alternate purposes too!!

  4. I wonder if I'd get away with it in te kitchen, for utensils...?!

  5. So creative! Thanks for the idea!

  6. This is so cool and useful and pretty too.. love it - both versions!

  7. Wonderful idea! I'm envisioning using it to organize some things in my craft room, too!

  8. What great ideas! I have been wanting to do something similar, but my mind was blank on the how to.

  9. I have a belt with double grommets that came with some pants that would be great for this...great idea!

  10. Such a wonderful idea I'm up for a scarfapaloza!!!

  11. WHat a great Idea!! I have a place in my closet for a hook and I was thinking I would just drape the scarves over it but this will be fantastic! Thanks!!

  12. Seriously a fabulous find here!! I need one...or 19 :D Thank you so much for linking this up to my party at Frou Frou Decor!! Have a great weekend!!
    ~Terrell @ FFD~

  13. LOVE the belt idea. So practical, yet fun. I am your newest follower from FFC:)

  14. Greatidea - I am starting to collect scarves and need a place to hange them !!!!

  15. you should get a patent on that gurl!! do an info-mercial using the superhero model's!! wink!!

  16. Great Idea!!! Thanks so much for sharing this one1

  17. i love it. for real. Kind regards from BUenos Aires, Argentina
