
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fun for a girl and a boy!

Well, fun for a girl, anyway.  Look, I made some new pink jewels:

Do you like them?  Did you guess what they are?

So I bought this Slinky Jr. at the dollar store.

If you have a cute little wrist, like my friend Kim, you can wear it as is.  Just choose how many coils you care to sport, and snip that much off your slinky.  Scissors or a wire cutter both work.

But of course that's not the end of the story.  This material is surprisingly malleable.  And my wrist is neither little nor cute.  Enter the tugging method:

Just give little tugs along the entire length, and here's what you get...

It is now big enough to wrap any size wrist as a coil bracelet.

If you aren't in the mood to wear multiple loops, tug yourself this simple, mod-looking set:

Earrings, a bangle and a choker-length necklace!  Don't you love how the plastic becomes two-toned from the tugging?

Then there's the bending method:

Bend back and forth every inch or so - keep going, all the way to the end - and voila!  A sexy, swirly coil.

The number of loops is up to you.

Then, of course, there is the self-explanatory twister method:

Don't forget the Sharpie-a-bunch-of-hieroglyphics method, and the wire-on-some-plastic-pearls method.

So how fun is a Slinky?  IMHO, it's super fun.

Hey, you know it's true.  Everyone loves a Slinky!


  1. I like the hieroglyphics method the best but all are super fun.

  2. Ooh, the necklace is so pretty! I never would have guessed the pink bits came from a slinky--they look just like pretty ribbon. : )

  3. Love the connectors, they are perfect with the plastic bits!

  4. Who would have guessed you could make so many cute things from a slinky?!?

  5. wow that's just creative that is! and soooo pretty!

  6. Mich, You are just too creative!! I love all your ideas. I'm going to run out and grab me a slinky next time I'm in town and make a bracelet. I'm going to make my two little granddaughters each one to match mine, too, if I can coax the loops small enough. Thanks for all the inspiration.

  7. M omg WOW you did it agian creating beautiful wearable pieces with something I would brake and throw away in 10 mins. Your talented and your giving me so many ieads is hard to keep up. That necklace, the earing, and swirly braclets are my favorites. =]

  8. It is after 10pm and I am trying to think of where I can get my hands on a slinky at this hour of the night! No idea they would warp and change color like that....then again, I guess I ruined a few slinkies as a kid by doing that very thing! I wonder if it would take to paint? got my gears going yet again Michelle!

  9. What a cute and affordable idea! I would have never known that the slinky material was that malleable. Great post :)

  10. I am amazed by your creativity! These pieces are so simple, elegant and beautiful, if I didn't see your title from the Tea Rose Home linky party I never would have guessed that they were made from slinkies! You are very talented.

  11. I love that necklace!!!! Thanks so much for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

  12. I never would have guessed it was a slinky! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  13. Nagyon jó!
    Igazán érdekes!
    nagyon jó a blogod!

  14. You are a lady after my own heart. My favorite thing to do is make something out something that is broken or something no one wants. I have enjoyed your site so much and have pinned so many things. Thank you so much for sharing. I am a 76 year old great grandmother and still crafting everyday. I began when I was 5 years old living on a farm and my mother taught me how to crochet with string from the chicken feed sacks. Life is wonderful and we crafter's have been especially blessed by God to look at things differently than the non-crafter. What others call junk our eyes see it in an entirely different light. Thank you for sharing. I have not yet learned how to have my own site or to post to it. I will learn soon. Bless you and your family..Helen Wilsher

  15. Michelle, I completely forgot about this. I am glad that I found it. I am trying to make gifts from cheap or upcycled items for Christmas. This is beautiful. I just want to say thanks for all that you do.
