
Friday, July 16, 2010

Watch the Birdie 2: lacy upcycled earrings.

Made a bunch of these:


Started with these:

How entertaining is that? If you're inspired to try some of your own, be advised: creating these badminton birdie baubles can become a little bit addictive. Probably because they're all so simple to do.

To make the big ruffly circle earrings, for example, follow the easy tutorial for those ruffle pendants from yesterday (if you missed them, here's a peek):

Once you've done that, simply close the ruffle into a complete circle at the top. Make a second ruffle, add jump rings and earring findings, and you're done!

The rest of the earrings are even simpler. I just snipped away at the plastic "lace," isolating different shapes and segments. Then attached earwires, bits of chain & other jewelry findings. They're pretty darn cute just white and plain...

But even cuter, embellished with something purty.

It was such fun playing with different looks.

The main common denominator: easy peasy-ness!

That's today's badminton game, hope you enjoyed playing. I still have one other style of birdie baubles to show you - the next batch will be kind of weird. (Yeah, like, these aren't all...) Come back soon, I'll post them in a day or so!


  1. WOW! These are such fabulous ideas!!!!

  2. OK I saw the birdies in my reader and thought what in the world is she going to do with those? I should have known! Only you could come up with something so fabu from badminton birdies?!

  3. I really like the one's hanging off the lampshade.

  4. Flowers, leaves and birdies. what's not to love?

  5. you are soooooooooo creative!!
