
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Stepping Thru flowers: another wicked cool Envelope of Doom update.

Sarah from Stepping Thru Crazy has done it again. Her third project in the challenge is so great - not only is it gorgeous, but I think she invented an entirely new technique for making cluster rings!

She took a weird little beaded tassel I made eons ago...

...and gave it new life. Look!

There's something so unique about the flowers with the geometric pattern - sort of space age Sputnik meets flowery Victorian. Top five reason I love this:

5.) Pretty as any cluster ever clustered on a ring.
4.) No fiddling with teeny loops - the flowers are glued onto a flat ring blank!
3.) Her tutorial is amazing, with xtreme close-ups.
2.) She gifted it to herself, and she wears it well!

And the top reason I love this ring:

1.) It's not the end of her Envelope of Doom creations. She is going on to a 4th. Maybe a 5th? Sarah is above & beyond, we salute her!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michelle. I saw this on Sarah's blog and so cool! I'm loving watching whats coming out of the envelope of doom! Thanks for your comment on my 4th bling! Another "clippie" lol. Have a great weekend!
