
Thursday, July 8, 2010

She loves her some gift giving! An Envelope of Doom update.

Oh, I just love how Neccie thinks of gift giving in terms of entire families. For an upcoming baby shower, she took a few tidbits from her Envelope of Doom, and whipped up one gift for baby, one gift for the nursery, another one for mom! And for good measure, something for baby's big sister.

Her frugal and fantabulous creations: a binky clip, a framed art print, a mini clutch purse and a girly barrette. All super cute, especially the little clutch made from a silky green scarf I bought in Spain.

Wow, wouldn't you love to be one of the lucky peeps on her gift list? (She is so generous, you are probably on it already!)

Love it, Neccie!


  1. awww I love being featured on your blog. funny thing I was just posted a blog about you on my blog. Do we think alike or what. Oh and I found another scarf so I hope to do that tutorial probally by next week. Thanks agian for such kind words about me.

  2. That is so special! I'm sure those will always be treasured.

  3. Fabulous! Love the clutch--would never have thought to make one out of a scarf!
