
Monday, July 12, 2010

A little bit upmarket: The Semiprecious Snakelace.

Yesterday I showed you how I was inspired to turn a handful of mismatched beads into this little number. 'Tis called...

The Rainbow Snakelace!

Thanks for the nice comments and emails, you guys! I'm glad you liked it. As I said, it was a fun way to meld a few random and inexpensive beads into a cohesive piece.

Overnight, I was inspired to make another Snakelace - this time a little more spendy. Same design, but using all semiprecious stones.

And here's how it came out.

In this upmarket version, all the findings are sterling silver. Ooh, shmancy.

As much as I love (and live in) costume jewels, every once in a while it's nice to rock some real rocks.

I like posting these two projects back to back, to demonstrate how simply you might go in either direction. Any pricey jewel you fall for in a boutique or catalogue (but can't afford) can probably be re-thought for pennies.

And something faux, fun or funky -

...can become fine jewelry, just like that.

Uptown ooh-la-la? Thrift store chic? I'll take both, thankyouverymuch.

Hey, that was fun! But blogging about fine jewelry - not exactly my thing. My next post - naturally! - will be something made from a plastic whatzit. Possibly a whozit? No. No, definitely, a whatzit. See you then!


  1. I love the style of this snakelace! Nothing else to say besides 'I love it'. Going in my to-do notebook!

  2. I am totally a stone girl...I love this one more. :p

  3. I really like it! what a FUN piece!
    Great job!
    XX Dawn

  4. I really like them both, but I am a cheap girl so I love Thrift store chic, but this is a nice way to make it more upscale.

  5. I really like both! It would be cool to make them in different color combos to go with different outfits.. You may have started a little snakelace trend here you know!

  6. I LOVE both of these. What a great idea! They are gorgeous.

    What's this envelope of doom I kept reading about?
