
Saturday, July 31, 2010

An interesting notion.

Do you recognize these? I discovered them only recently, in the notions department at Mood.

They're boning. No, that's confusing. I mean, they aren't boning anything, that's what they're called. This woven steel version is the modern day equivalent of whalebone, used in corsets and such. Anyway, aren't they intricate? Like tiny, elaborate chain maile.

After a little experimentation I discovered I really enjoyed boning. I made these hoop earrings:

Cool, no? I think they look elegant and expensive, just unadorned like that.

But who could resist adding color and dangles? Not I!

Now look what happens if you flatten the mesh sideways...

Cool again!

The flattened shape also makes a really pretty pendant.

Such an interesting notion!
Go ahead, try boning in the privacy of your own home. I am pretty sure you will enjoy it as much as I did.

And, as a rabid Project Runway fan, I simply cannot resist signing off with this...
(Said in Tim Gunn voice) "Thank you, Mood!"


  1. These are truly beautiful. What a clever woman you are!

  2. wow boning is so pretty... i had no idea. i love what you did with it. your designs are sooo lovely!

  3. i have never heard of such a thing! very cool!

  4. This is new to me, too. I love what you did with it on the necklace! :o)

  5. Very cool! I have never seen metal boning before! Then again, I am not an expert in all things sewing notions!! Your jewelry is lovely!

  6. Brilliant! Looks like you had a lot of fun with boning!! Love the flattened versions.. Love Project Runway too..

  7. Seriously, how do you look at this stuff with such an artistic eye?! I am constantly amazed at what you come up with. I love the earrings with the dangles in the center.

  8. that is neat! A much better fashion statment that a corset :)

    So glad I popped by from The DIY show off!

  9. These turned out beautiful! I'd love it if you'd stop by my Topsy Turvy Tuesday Link party and add this earrings!

  10. Great job! Love them!!!.I’m Barb….I am from Trendy Treehouse Follow. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @ & get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will take a peek and follow me as well. Nice to meet ya new friend!!!

  11. Wow, those are beautiful! What a great idea! I especially like the plain ones, and the pair with the orange bead, but they are all lovely.

    I'm visiting from Just Something I Whipped Up. Have a great day!

  12. Oh Wow!! You can do so much with it! I LOVE the earrings:)
    Visiting from

  13. 1st of M oh my goodness you have me laughing the whole time...I guess my mind was in a bad Secondly I love Project Runway I am keeping up with the new Season oh yea. That show rocks. I am so jealous you got to go to mood!!! I love the earings with the beads dangling inside the boning...thats really pretty. Its all pretty and so creative You Rock!!

  14. Love your blog. I'm your newest follower.

  15. Oh!! I like these they remind me of my zipper earrings but much cooler!!

  16. These are quite clever...and your photos and displays are wonderful! well done!

  17. hey, gal, you're on to a WINNER here! lovely.
    and you gave me a new idea also for crochet earrings. ... oh ... crochet... my latest OBSESSSION!

    oh btw, your stuff is so good that I'd like to invite you to come share your tutorials with our readers. they'd love to find you. get your free link here:

    (new party every wednesday, so bookmark it)

  18. Thanks for linking up to the Mad Skills party!

  19. Thanks SO much for coming to my party and linking up! These are oh so pretty! Much nicer than a corset!

  20. Pretty cool! Nice to have you join us for Anything Related! ~Bridgette

  21. What a cool idea - more reason to troll the notions aisle for inspiration!
