
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fridge jewelry.

Tucked away in a box of 'never use 'em' jewelry findings, I had a bunch of mini magnetic clasps. Available at any craft store or bead shop. They're the smallest (and cheapest) type of magnetic clasp, meant for very light jewelry designs. Look how tiny and cute!

But honestly, I am a little bit hesitant to use them. When worn, these little things can sometimes flick apart when you least expect it - and there will go your necklace or bracelet, broken on the sidewalk or vanished down a storm drain.

So I had the idea to flick them apart on purpose, and use the individual halves to make jeweled fridge magnets. When stuck to a solid surface (as opposed to clasped around a moving person), they are really quite fierce, and will hold even heavy fridge art amazingly well.

This was my pitiful collection of fridge magnets, before:

Wow. Seriously boring and yucko! Something had to be done.

Now here is the jeweled makeover:

Want to try? It's easy! The cool thing about these clasps is how they already include a little loop, perfect for hanging a bead dangle or charm.

For a beaded dangle y
ou will need a bead, a headpin and your magnet-half. Tools: a wire snipper and round-nose pliers.

You are going to make a wrapped loop, with the magnet included in the wrap. I tried to show the steps in this shot:

Thread your bead onto the headpin. Fold the headpin over. Then make a loop, but don't close it up yet. Slip your magnet onto the loop. To finish, wrap the wire around the base of the loop at least once, and snip off the tail. And that is your fridge jewel, done! (For a video tutorial on wire wrapping, click here.)

Easier-peasier option: you can skip the extra step of wrapping the wire, and just make a plain loop. It's a little less secure, but really, it works just as well!

If you're doing the plain loops, you'll want to use fairly heavy gauge headpins and be sure to close your loops completely. That's it!

Hanging a charm is even simpler. Just add two jump rings - one to the magnet and one to the charm, like so:

Then join them up. Isn't that cute?

And nothing says these must live on the fridge. They're ideal for magnetic bulletin boards. I'm going to use the monkeys in my workspace, stuck to the tin frame around a mirror.

I think a set of these would make a cool little gift. Make a few to match the decor or taste of your giftee.

Never thought I would be saying this...I might need to go out and buy some more of those mini magnet clasps!

Because now I kinda love 'em.


  1. I need to do this, my fridge is a mismatched magnet disaster.

    On another note, I'm hoping you do something with that 'make jewelry from a tennis ball' note soon, that is making me wonder!

  2. What is that charm? A rat? Lurve it!

  3. I love your jewelry. You work with some unique materials and do it very well and are very creative. It's fantastic. I want to implement some of your ideas. They are very original. From now on, I will follow your blog to learn.

  4. cool this inspires me to make cute push pins for my bullten board. thanks for the side note on how they are not good for making braclets I was thinking of buying some to make a braclet or two, but now on to a different clasp.

  5. Oh my goodness, how adorable!! I've thought about doing some new magnets for my fridge, but never this way. What a great idea!

    Visiting from Between Naps on the Porch : )

    Have a blessed week, girl!

  6. Oh what a great idea! Our fridge is a wall of shame - from the pizza store to the local insurance agent - our magnets are terrible. I will have to follow your lead and make some new ones. Thanks for the post! Jennifer

  7. great idea! come on over and link up to MMM :)

  8. This is such a cool idea.. fridge bling! Love them!

  9. What a great idea for something that is useless of its intended purpose!!

  10. ha ha! great idea and fun conversation peice!

  11. Thanks for checking out my bed spring jewelry holder. I don't have many earrings but think I have some of the magnetic clasps - I guess I'll have to dig them out for the magnets. I love this idea.

    June from Have Stamps, Will Craft

  12. This is a very cool idea, I must try something like this after I makeover our fridge. Do you think those magnets will hold a pen or pencil? That would be perfect for that shopping list pen to always be handy. Hmm, must brain storm off of your idea here :)

  13. woow, what a great idea! these are adorable...

  14. Love the pug!This would be perfect for our party, come link up! Today the party is at and tomorrow it is at
